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FINDINGS IN SUPPORT OF PROPOSED PUBLIC CONTRACTING ORDINANCE <br />(SECTIONS 2.1200 TO 2.1255 OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971} <br />All references herein, unless otherwise noted are to the Eu ene Code <br />1971. g ' <br />1. Because of the fallowing situations certain city contracts identified <br />in the proposed Subsection ~.1230~1} are found to be exem t from com eti ' <br />biddin and in ro o p p t~ve <br />g p p sed Subsection ~.1230~2} found to be exempt from formal <br />compet~t~ve b~dd~ng procedures because strict compliance with the ublic con- <br />tract law ~s l~kel to result in ~ p <br />Y, e unnecessary expense to the City without <br />furthering the public policy of encouraging com etition: <br />p <br />~a} When goads and services of the quality desired are available <br />only through a single source. To avoid unnecessar Bela in rocurement <br />rocedures and y y p <br />p to allow the Council to focus on policy rather than ad- <br />m~n~strat~ve detail, the investigation and determination that there is <br />only a single source shall be the responsibility of the urchasin <br />Because of the b ' ~ ~ p g agent. <br />pu lac policy supporting compet~t~on and because com eti- <br />t~on generally exists ~n the market p <br />place, the use of the sole source <br />exemption should be limited. <br />fib} Goods and services for which prices are set b overnment 1 <br />regulation. For exam le: ~ ~ .y g ~ a <br />p procurement of utility services and inter- <br />state freight services which are subject to local, state or federal <br />regulation. <br />~c} Works of art. Because of aesthetic jud ments re uired wh <br />g q en <br />purchasing works of art and because of the uni ue talents of artis <br />~ nvo] ved the Ci t ~ q is <br />y has established a reasonable procedure for urchas- <br />~ng or comm~ss~on~n works of r p <br />g a t ~n Sect~ans 2.638 to 2.648. <br />~d} Library materials for the 1 i brary cal 1 ecti on. Because o <br />co ri ht 1 f <br />py .g aw and other factors that control the market far librar <br />materials and because of the uni ue y <br />q obl~gat~on to select library mater- <br />ials that match the community need and patron interest the <br />mast libr ~ ~ purchase of <br />ary materials for the 1~brary collection ~s not com at~ble with <br />competitive biddin , p <br />g <br />,fie} Public contracts by other government a encies sub'ect to <br />ubl ~c contract 1 w ~ g ~ <br />P, a . When ~t ~s to the City's advantage to use current <br />bids received by another public agency that is sub'ect to and ' <br />ubl i c bid ' ~ ~ ab~ ded by <br />p ding requirements, there is na need for the Cit to en a e in <br />additional ubl~c biddin fo ~ y, g g <br />P g r ~dent~cal items. By basing its contracts <br />far the purchase of personal property, public im rovements or s ' <br />erv~ ces <br />on contracts awarded by other public agencies, the City saves the <br />expense of public b~dd~ng and may enjoy quantity discounts. At the <br />same time, competition is not substantially diminished. <br />~f} Insurance services and contracts. Ac uisition of insurance <br />~ ncl ud~ n em 1 ~ q ~ ' <br />g p oyee benefits insurance, requires unique methods of <br />gathering proposals, analysis and comparison of rvviders. Because <br />p <br />Findings - 1 <br />