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Ordinance No. 19586
City of Eugene
1980s No. 18550-19659
Ordinance No. 19586
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:45:35 PM
Creation date
3/3/2009 12:56:39 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance concerning historic preservation; amending, renumbering and adding sections of the Eugene Code, 1971; and declaring an emergency (see ordinance for effected sections).
Approved Date
Brian B. Obie
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Historic, ,prop,erty. Any bui 1 di ng, site, structure, object, <br />ensemble, landscape feature, thematic group or district that: <br />~a} Is an historic landmark; <br />fib} Is the subject of a formal application or initiation <br />for h~stor~c landmark designation; <br />~c} Is listed on the National Register of Historic Places <br />or recommended for nomination to the Natiana1 Register by the <br />State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation; or, <br />~d} Is on the same tract as a structure or building <br />ether designated as an historic landmark or listed an the <br />National Register of Historic Places and contributes to its <br />historic character. <br />Interior. All portions of an historic structure or building <br />that are not part of the exterior and which normally are accessible <br />to the public. <br />Landsca a feature. A decorative or functional alteration to <br />land or vegetation, including trees, gardens, hedges, arbors, cano- <br />pies, walkways, fences, retaining walls, water features, gazebos, <br />pavillions, and similar site features. <br />Lon -term lessee. A person or entity holding aright to pos- <br />session of an historic landmark under a written lease with an un- <br />expired term of not less than five years from the date upon which <br />the revaluing loan fund is approved. <br />Maintenance. Upkeep or repair of historic property that does <br />not change the property's composition or appearance. <br />Mayor new landscaping. Anew structural landscape feature or <br />significant pi~anting an the site of an historic property. 5i nifi- <br />g <br />cant plantings cover more than 25% of the area, or grow to over ten <br />feet ~n height and are located within ~5 feet of an historic build- <br />ing or structure. <br />New construction. Anew building, structure, parking area, <br />or other improvement, on the same tract as an historic landmark, or <br />structure or property listed on the National Register of Historic <br />Places . <br />Noncom ati bl e ro ert . Property i n an historic district or <br />ensemble that contains uses or improvements that detract from or <br />are not harmonious with historic properties in that district or <br />ensemble. <br />Pl ann i nc~d„i rector,. The city manager, or the person designated <br />by the city manager to supervise development and implementation of <br />the city's historic preservation programs or his/her designee. <br />Rehabilitation. The return of property to a state of utility, <br />through repair or alteration, which makes possible an efficient con- <br />temporary use and preserves or restores the property's historic <br />value. <br />Restoration. The process of accurately recovering the farm and <br />details,of a property and its setting as they appeared at a particu- <br />lar period of time by means of the removal of later work or the re- <br />placement of missing earlier work. <br />Site. The location of an historically or archeologically sig- <br />nificant event, activity, occupation, structure, object, or land- <br />scape feature, Including existing buildings or structures an the <br />site. <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />
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