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Thematic roq~u . A group of resources linked through a common <br />theme, not necessarily geographical. Examples include buildings <br />designed by a famous architect, common landscape features, re- <br />sources related by a significant development theme, and rare build- <br />ings of the same architectural style or era. <br />2.404 Historic Review Board - Com asition and Term of Office. The seven <br />member historic review baard is comprised of the following persons, <br />to the extent they are available in the community: an architect with preser- <br />vation expertise; a historian with knowledge of local history; and the follow- <br />ing persons with demonstratable interest, competence, or knowledge of historic <br />preservation: two professionals in the disciplines of landscape architecture, <br />real estate, construction, community development, urban planning, archeolo , <br />law finance cultur 1 ~ ~ gy <br />.s a geography, cultural anthropology, or related d~sc1- <br />pl~nes; a member of the planning commission; and two citizens. All members <br />shall be nominated by the mayor and appointed by the council, exce t that <br />unless he she othe ~ ~ p ~ ' <br />/ rw~se declines, the University of Oregon Preservation Pro- <br />gram D~rectvr is automatically nominated for consideration by the council as <br />one of the professional or citizen members. A11 members shall take office <br />on January 1, 1989, and shall serve far four-year terms, except the Universit <br />of Ore on Preservation Pro r ~ y <br />g g am Director and the first appointees who shall <br />serve for the fallowing terms: Three members shall be appointed initiall <br />for two- ear terms• and t ~ ~ ~ ~ y <br />y hree members shall be appointed initially for four- <br />year terms; if appointed, the University of Oregon Preservation Program <br />Director shall serve during his/her tenure as director. A vacancy in office <br />shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments and the a ointee <br />shall hold office for ~ pp <br />the remainder of the unexpired term. A member who is <br />absent for more than three consecutively scheduled meetin s without Navin <br />g g <br />been excused by the board shall be removed and the vacancy f ~ 11 ed. <br />2.405 Historic Review Board - Officers, Meetin s, Rules, and Procedures. <br />~1} The officers of the board shall be a chairperson and vice- <br />chairperson, selected from the members by majority vote of the entire member- <br />ship. Officers shall serve for terms of one year or until their successors <br />are regularly elected and take office. The chairperson shall preside at <br />meetings of the baard and shall have the right to vote. The vice-chair erson <br />shall in case of absence or p <br />d~sab~llty of the chairperson, perform the <br />duties of the chairperson. <br />~2} The baard shall hold meetings at such times as it deems neces- <br />sary, and shall also meet upon the call of the chairperson. The time and <br />place for meetings shall be fixed by rules of the board. <br />~3} Four members of the board shall constitute a quorum, The <br />concurring vote of a majority of the members present shall be required for <br />approval or disapproval of any motion ar other action of the board. <br />~4} All meetings of the board shall be open to the public. At <br />public hearings, all interested parties shall be entitled to ap ear and <br />p <br />address the board. <br />~5} The board shat 1 adopt its own rules of procedure and bylaws. <br />Ordinance - 3 <br />