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public hearing to consider the proposed historic landmark <br />designation. At least ten days prior to the hearing, the <br />planning department shall mail a written notice of the hearing <br />and nature of the application to the owner and occupants of <br />the proposed historic landmark, the applicant, and to property <br />owners and occupants within 300 feet of the perimeter of the <br />proposed landmark. At least ten days prior to the hearing, <br />an announcement of the hearing and nature of the application <br />shall also be published at least once in the Register Guard. <br />2. Within 15 days of completion of the hearing, the <br />board shall decide whether to designate the property, struc- <br />ture, landscape feature, object or site as an historic land- <br />mark. The board shall not designate a district, ensemble or <br />thematic group if more than half of the owners of privately- <br />owned the area sought to be designated file <br />written ab~ect~ons to the propased designation. The decision <br />of the board shall be in writing and contain findings and con- <br />clusions on the integrity, historic significance, and the con- <br />flicting use determinations set out below. Any decision to <br />designate shall include development standards as provided in <br />section 2.408 of this code. The board shall designate the <br />property, structure, landscape feature, object or site as an <br />historic landmark if it finds that: <br />a. Designation is consistent with applicable his- <br />toric preservation policies contained in the Metropolitan <br />Area General Plan and applicable adopted neighborhood <br />refinement plans, special area studies, and functional <br />plans. In the event of inconsistencies between these <br />plans or studies and the Metropolitan Area General Plan, <br />the latter is the prevailing document; <br />b. The praposed historic landmark has integrity of <br />location, design, setting, materials ar workmanship; <br />c. The praposed historic landmark has historic <br />significance; and, <br />d. The value of preserving the property, structure, <br />object or site as an historic landmark outweighs the <br />value of using the property, structure, landscape feature, <br />object or site for the identified conflicting use, taking <br />into cons i derat i an the ecanomi c, saci al , environmental <br />and energy consequences of each alternative. ~f the <br />owner of the proposed historic landmark supports the <br />designation there is a rebuttable presumption that the <br />value of preservation outweighs the value of using the <br />proposed historic landmark for the identified conflicting <br />use. <br />3. ~n determining whether the propased historic land- <br />mark has integrity of location, design, setting, materials or <br />workmanship, the board shall consider whether: <br />a. The property is in its original setting and re- <br />ma~ns essentially as originally constructed or fabricated; <br />b. sufficient original workmanship and material <br />remain to show the construction technique and stylistic <br />character of a given period; <br />ordinance - 5 <br />