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c. The immediate setting of the property retains <br />the planting scheme, plant materials or 1 and uses of the <br />relevant historic period ar the landscaping is consistent <br />with that period; <br />d, The property contributes materially to the archi- <br />tectural continuity or scheme of the street or neighbor <br />hood. <br />4. In order tv determine that the proposed historic land- <br />mark has historic significance, the board must find that the <br />proposed historic landmark: <br />a. Is associated with events that have made a sig- <br />nificant contribution to the broad patterns of history. <br />This association must be direct and the event or activi- <br />ties must have significantly affected past social behav- <br />ior, historic trends or community, state or national <br />development; <br />b. Is associated with the life of a person signifi- <br />cant in the past. The proposed landmark, through length <br />of occupancy or coincidence of term of occupancy, must <br />be the place most importantly associated with a person or <br />persons significant in local, state, or national history; <br />c. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a <br />type, period or method of construction that was used in <br />the past. The property may be a prime example of a <br />stylistic or structural type of construction or design, <br />or representative of a rare type or a type which, once was <br />common and which, due to attrition, is among the few <br />examples rema~n~ng locally or in the state; <br />d. Represents the work of a master, i.e., is a not e <br />worthy example of the work of a craftsman, builder, archi- <br />tect, or engineer significant in local, state or national <br />history; <br />e. Possesses high artistic values in its workman- <br />ship and materials; <br />f . Yields, or may be 1 i kely to yi e1 d, i nformati on <br />important in prehistory or history; or <br />g. Is listed on the National Register of Historic <br />Places. <br />A significant and distinguishable entity under any of the <br />above criteria may be designated even if its components lack <br />individual distinction. <br />5. The identified conflicting use for a proposed his- <br />toric landmark shall be the actual use planned for the prop- <br />erty by its owner or owners. In the absence of a development <br />proposal, the identified conflicting use is the highest and <br />best generic use ~i.e. commercial, industrial, high-density <br />res~dent~al, etc. of the property, as improved with the mast <br />intensive development and structures allowed by the currently <br />applicable zoning and comprehensive plan designation. "High- <br />est and best use" means the reasonable and probable use that <br />is physically possible and financially feasible that supports <br />the highest present value of the land. <br />6. Interior features of a nonresidential historic land- <br />Ordinance - 6 <br />