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ORDINANCE NO . 19 0~ <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE HUMAN RIGHTS COM~- <br />MISSIONS AND YOUTH COMMISSIQN; AMENDTNG SECTIONS <br />2.260, 2.27Q, 2.280, 2.255, AND 4.625 OF THE <br />EUGENE CODE, 1971; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DGES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Subsections ~l} ~d} , ~2} , ~3} fib} , ~3} ~d} , ~4} ~ ~5} <br />and ~ 7 } of Section 2.26 0 of the Eugene Code, 19 7l, are hereby amended <br />to read and provide: <br />2.26 0 Commissions on .Human Rights . <br />~1} <br />~d} The commission on the rights of the dis- <br />abled. <br />~2} Each commission shall consist of seven members. <br />The council shall appoint the members and fill any vacancies, <br />of ter interviews and recommendations by the council subcom- <br />mittee, Members of the commissions shall be appointed through <br />a public process which includes open applications and inter- <br />views of the finalists by the council subcommittee. In order <br />to provide continuity, initial appointments shall include two <br />members selected for cone-year term, three members selected <br />f or a two -year term, and two members selected f or a three--yea r <br />term. Thereof ter all appointments shall be to fill an unex- <br />pir ed term or for a three-year term , a s the ca. s e may b e . <br />~. 3 } <br />~b } Members of the commission on the rights o f <br />minorities shall be persons who have actively demon- <br />stra ted interest and expertise in the field of min- <br />ority relations and who are wn rking to eliminate in- <br />justices related to discrimination based on race, <br />color, religion, and nations 1 origin. <br />~d} Members of the commission on the rights of <br />the disabled shall be persons who have actively demon- <br />strated interest and expertise in the field of prob- <br />lems related to handicapped and disabled persons and <br />who are ~ rking to eliminate injustices related to <br />discrimination against disabled persons. <br />~4} Each commission shall meet at least once every <br />month at a regularly scheduled place and time. At its initial <br />meeting, each commission shall elect from its members a ~esi-- <br />de nt and vice-president. <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />