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19083 <br />~5} To promote the orderly conduct of its affairs, <br />each commission shall adopt rules of procedure for its meet- <br />ing s. Each commission r s authority to adopt rules of procedure <br />is limited to the adoption of such rules that are rrat in con- <br />flict with sections 4.615 to 4.650 of this code and are rea- <br />sonably necessary to carry out the duties imposed by section <br />Z. X65 of this code. <br />~7 } The city m~,nag er may, within his or her discretion, <br />furnish staf f assistance to any commission. <br />Section 2. Section 2.27D of the Eugene Code, 1971, is hereby <br />amended to read and provide; <br />2.27 D Human Rights Presidents Council. <br />_M ~.~,. <br />~1} ^ At its ~f~rst meeting each commission on human <br />rights shall elect a president who shall, in addition to his <br />or her other duties, serve on the human rights presidents <br />council. <br />~.2} The human rights presidents council shall meet <br />quarterly and a t such other times a s i t deems necessary . At <br />its initia 1 meeting there shall be elected from its members a <br />president and vice-president and a new president and vice- <br />preside nt sha 11 be elected annually thereafter. <br />~ 3 } ,The human rights presidents council shall coordi- <br />nate the activities of the various commissions, and shall make <br />an annual evaluative report, based upon criteria collectively <br />agreed upon by the commissions, to the commissions, including <br />the youth commission-,----and th e.......... c. ty ----co_unc.a. ~, . --- --- - <br />__ - . <br />~4 } The c~nmissians, including the youth commission, <br />sha 11 submit to the human rights presidents council a t appro- <br />pria to times, their proposed annual budgets and staf f requests. <br />The human rights presidents council, in conjunction with the <br />city manager, sha 11 review and make recommendations to the <br />budget committee of the city. <br />Section 3 . Section Z. 28 D of the Eugene Code, 19 71, is hereby <br />amended by amending subsection ~~} , deleting subsection ~3} , renum-~ <br />Bering subsections ~4} , ~5} , ~6} , ~7} , and ~8} to ~3} , ~4} , ~5} , <br />~ 6 } , and ~ 7 } respectively; amending the new subsections ~ 4 } , ~ 5 } , <br />and ~ 7 } , to read and provide ; <br />~. ~8D Youth Commission.. <br />~2} The youth commission shall consist of seven mem- <br />bers. The council shall appoint the members and fill any <br />vacancies, after interviews and recommendations by the council <br />Ord i na nce - 2 <br />