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e) – Opportunity for Appeals [Item 7] <br />Committee Discussion and Votes: <br /> The committee had an extensive discussion regarding <br />Item 7 over two meetings. Some of the PAORC members expressed the view that appeals <br />were likely inevitable in Eugene. Committee members (as well as members of the public <br />who spoke to the committee) expressed urgency in addressing this issue. In the end, <br />th <br />PAORC adopted the following motion at February 10 meeting: <br />Ms. Piercy, seconded by Ms. Sifuentez, moved to make a strong recommendation to the <br />City Council to put an appeals process into place and that the City Council do whatever <br />it deemed necessary to make that happen. <br />The motion passed, 9:4; Mr. Pryor, Mr. Ahlen, Mr. Chase, and Chief Kerns voting in opposition. <br />The minutes of the meeting indicate Mr. Pryor, Mr. Ahlen and Chief Kerns opposed the motion <br />because of a belief that the committee did not have sufficient information to make a <br />recommendation that would address the issue, while Mr. Chase was opposed because he felt the <br />committee was “punting” on the issue and the PAORC should more directly address appeals. <br />f) – Consistency in Ordinance Language to the Charter [Items 12] <br />th <br />Committee Discussion and Votes: <br /> Specifically, this item from the November 10 <br />Council adopted motion refers to Section 2.456(2)(c)(d). The committee was a bit unclear <br />as to the intent behind this item and, in particular, what was required for “consistency.” <br />PAORC decided to review Item 12 after our work on the other revisions to language had <br />been completed to determine if we had addressed the item. In the end we decided that the <br />changes we have proposed are consistent with the expressed intent of this item. <br />However, we would note to the Council that maintaining consistency between the Charter <br />and the Ordinance will continue to be somewhat of an ‘organic’ process, and the need for <br />additional revisions will likely to be necessary as Eugene’s experience with civilian <br />oversight matures. We fully expect the Council will revisit the ordinance in the future to <br />make adjustments. <br /> g) – Other Considerations [Items 7, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18] <br />Committee Discussion and Votes: <br /> In the end, there were six items the committee did <br />not feel it had time to adequately address.: Item 7 – Appeal (although discussed); Item 14 <br />– Discipline; Item 15 – Subpoena Power; Item 16 – Training; Item 17 – CRB Oversight <br />of the Auditor; and Item 18 – the Auditor’s participation in hiring. PAORC was <br />unanimous (12-0) in recommending to Council the following motion (as amended): <br />Ms. Piercy, seconded by Ms. Syrett, moved to direct that the committee should hand in <br />its responses to the first 13 items and then make a recommendation to the City Council <br />that the committee continue working on [Items 7, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18] after that date. <br /> In their discussion the members expressed their willingness to spend the additional time <br />necessary to deliberate on these topics should that be the Council’s wish. <br /> V. System Recommendations <br />Cooperation between the Police Auditor and the Chief of Police <br />Civilian oversight in Eugene will work most effectively when there is a good working <br />relationship and professional cooperation between the offices of the Chief of Police and <br />the Police Auditor. While such cooperation is currently apparent between the Interim <br /> <br />