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~q!`G a/Z 83-6 <br />Exhibit A <br />Beginning at the southwest corner of L. Poindexter Donation Land G1 aim D~. <br />~ C~ <br />No. 52, Township 17 South, Range 4 West, Section 11 Wi 11 arnette Merl di an• thence <br />a <br />along the southerly boundary of said DEC No. 52 East 247.92 feet to a oin <br />p ton <br />the centerline of County Road Na. 200 4River Road; thence 1 soul n said boundar <br />9 y <br />and running along said centerline South 16°, 54 minutes 44 seconds East 908 <br />a , .82 <br />feet, said right of way width 1Q2.29 feet at this point; thence 1 eau i n sal d <br />9 <br />' centerline East 52, 25 feet to the True Point of Be i nni n ~ TPOB • thenc <br />9 9 ~} a East <br />822.54 feet; thence South 15°, 35 minutes, 14 seconds East South 15° 4 <br />5 <br />minutes, QO seconds East, 195.48 feet; thence South 15°, 54 minutes 44 seconds <br />East South l5°, 55 minutes, 34 seconds East, 229.90 feet• thence E <br />ast 732.53 <br />feet; thence South 16°, 3S minutes, 22 seconds East 45outh 15° 45 minute 00 <br />s, <br />seconds East , 344.59 feet to a poi nt of the northerly line of Patter's Surv <br />ey <br />as platted. and recorded i n vo1 ume W, page 255, Lane County Ore on P1 at Records • <br />9 , <br />thence North 71°, 45 minutes 0D seconds East 240 <br />s feet more or less along <br />the northerly 1 i ne of Lat C said Potter's Survey; thence southerl 250 feet more <br />y <br />or 1 ess along the easterly boundary 1 i ne of Lat C said Potter's Surve • thence <br />ys <br />88°, 29 minutes, 30 seconds East 554.84 feet more or less to the ea <br />sterly right <br />of way of Ross Lane; thence South 44°, 07 minutes, 15 seconds East 111.71 <br />feet along the easterly margin of Ross Lane to ~a paint; thence South $8° ~ Z0 <br />a <br />minutes, 52 seconds East 550.79 feet; thence South nl°, 37 minutes 14 <br />, seconds <br />West 84,25 feet; thence South 85°, 48 minutes, ~a seconds East 535.20 fee <br />t to <br />the southwest corner Lot 5, Block 3, Division Acres, Book 35 Pa e 37 <br />g ,Lane <br />County Oregon P1 at Records; thence North D1°, 37 minutes 00 seconds a <br />a Est 822.73 <br />feet al ang the westerly boundary of said Division Acres; thence 1 eavin aid <br />9s <br />westerly boundary of Division Acres South 84°, 14 minutes 34 seconds West <br />