<br />33.15 feet; thence South Ol°, 3? minutes, 00 seconds West 183.00 feet; thence
<br />North 88°, 03 minutes, 10 seconds West 104.33 feet; thence North 261.88 feet
<br />more or ~ ess to the southerly margin of Lone oak Avenue; thence -North 16°, 11
<br />rni nutes, 23 seconds West 25 feet more or ~ ess to the northerly margin of Lone
<br />Oak Drive; thence South 13° , 42 minutes, 37 seconds West 505 feet more or ~ ess
<br />along the northerly margin of Lone Oak Drive to a point which intersects with
<br />the extension of the East margin of Ross Lane; thence -North 00°, 11 minutes, 00
<br />seconds East 614.32 feet along the easterly margin of Ross Lane; thence West
<br />610,76 feet to the easterly boundary of First Addition to Watson Subdivi si an
<br />Book 54, Page 18, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence south OD°, . 7 minutes,
<br />00 seconds west 290 feet more or i ess to the southeast corner of Lat 5, Block 4
<br />of Watson Subdivision, Book 52, Page 13, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence
<br />running a1 ong the southerly boundary of the above-described Watson Subdivision
<br />North 89°, 53 minutes, 00 seconds West 402.13 feet to the easterly boundary of
<br />Keebl er Acres, Soak 32, Page 15, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence South
<br />00°, 33 minutes, 28 seconds West 33.D feet; thence South 89°, 46 minutes, 30
<br />secands West 66.1 feet; thence North 16°, 59 minutes, 32 secands West 118.07
<br />feet; thence South 89° , 49 minutes, 30 seconds West 121.32 feet; thence North
<br />ZO°, 33 minutes, 15 seconds West 175.70 feet; thence North 11°, 11 minutes, 20
<br />seconds West 112.38 feet to the northwest corner Lot 9, Block 4, Keebl er Acres,
<br />Book 32, Page 19, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence leaving westerly
<br />boundary of said Keebl er Acres North 89°, 26 minutes, 30 seconds West 344.0 ~~feet
<br />to the easterly terminus of Green Lane East; thence North 00°, 55 minutes, 00
<br />seconds West 15.Q feet to the northerly margin of Green Lane East; thence along
<br />the northerly margin of Green Lane East, West 172.91 feet; thence North 0U°, 41
<br />minutes, 04 seconds East 1Q.0 feet; thence West 7Q.a feet; thence leaving said
<br />Page 2
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