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Ordinance No. 19197
City of Eugene
1980s No. 18550-19659
Ordinance No. 19197
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:43:37 PM
Creation date
3/16/2009 2:26:51 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance concerning land use application processes; amending, adding and repealing Sections of the Eugene Code, 1971; & providing for an effective date. (See Ordinance for complete list of effected Sections.)
Approved Date
R. A. "Gus" Keller
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~ ~ f <br />• r' <br />Section 5. Subsection 1 c of Section 2.391 ~~~ <br />~ }~ } of the Eu ene Code <br />9 , <br />1971, is hereby amended to read and provide: <br />2.391 Quasi-Judicial Hearin s - Rules. <br />~c} Review by the hearings official of a grant ar denial <br />of a zoning variance by the building official or review by the <br />city caunc~l of a grant or denial of a sign code variance by the <br />sign code board of appeals. <br />Section 6. Sections 7,Z5D, ?.595 7.6x0 and 7.605 0 <br />f the Eugene Code, <br />197, are hereby amended, and a new Section 7.6.10 added theret <br />o, to read and <br />provide; <br />7.~5D Local Im rovements - Se re atian of Assessments. <br />~1} Whenever property assessed as an entire tract is subse uentl <br />subdivided or artitioned a erso ~ q • y <br />p p n owning any of the subd~v~s~on or part~- <br />t~on and des~r~ng to remove the assessment or to apportion the assessment <br />among the lots in the subdivisian or parcels in the partition shall a ly <br />through the cit finance officer t pp <br />Y o the council fora segregation of the <br />assessment and a determination of the amount due on that subdivision or <br />partition. <br />. ~Z}, The finance officer shall thereupon cause an appraisal of the <br />ent~ re subd~ v~ s~ on or partition . <br />~3} If the council finds that the segregation can be made without <br />prejudice to the security interest of the city, the finance officer shall <br />upon receiving payment applicable to the segregated portion of the tract <br />discharge the lien of the assessment on that subdivision or partition. <br />~4} Notwithstanding ~3} above, if the assessment is for off- <br />street parking facilities, the finance officer shall conduct a hearing an <br />the requested segregation. Each owner of a lot in a subdivision or arcel <br />in a partition shall be entitled t p <br />o be heard at that hearing and shall re- <br />ceive ten days advance native of the hearing. On the basis of the evidence <br />presented at the hearing, the finance officer shall recommend to the council <br />that the segregation be approved or disapproved, Upon receipt of the recom- <br />mendation, the council shall consider the matter, and if the council finds <br />that the requested segregation can be made without prejudice to the securit <br />i nterest of the ci t i t shat 1 direct th y <br />Y~ a finance officer to apportion the <br />assessment among the subdivisian lots or partition parcels and change the <br />assessment lien docket accordingly. <br />~5} If the council determines that the city would be re`udiced <br />p J <br />by a segregation requested pursuant to subsection ~1} of this section a - <br />ment of the entire assessment far the s p y <br />ubdivision or partition shall be a <br />condition precedent to discharge of the lien of the assessment. <br />~6} Each application for segregation of assessment shall be <br />accompanied by a fee in the amount specified in the schedule of fees estab- <br />lished by resolution of the council. <br />I~ACATION PROCEDURE <br />1.595 1~acation of Im roved Ri hts-of-~ay and Unim raved Streets and <br />ordinance -2- <br />
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