• I
<br />to owners of property on which the area sought to be vacated exists
<br />affected property owners}, affected agencies and utilities.
<br />~3} Planning d,i.rectar_,.,deci si o„n~
<br />Via} Unless the applicant agrees to a longer period, within 30
<br />days of receipt of a complete and accurate application, the pla n
<br />Wing director shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny a vaca-
<br />tion, with findings and conclusions thereon. Findings shall be
<br />based on the following criteria:
<br />~. The subject area is not presently or in the future
<br />needed far public services, facilities, or utilities;
<br />. ~. Such publ i c services, foci 1 i ti es or uti 1 i ti es can be
<br />extended in an orderly and efficient manner; and
<br />3. The vacation is consistent with applicable transpor-
<br />. tation plans.
<br />fib} On the date of the planning director's decision, a copy
<br />thereof shall be mailed to the applicant, affected property owners,
<br />agencies, utilities, and other persons who have requested a copy,
<br />~c} ~f a vacation request requires re-examination of exist-
<br />ing standards or policies, the planning director may refer the
<br />matter to the planning commission fora decision,
<br />~4} Effective date. If acceptable to the applicant, affected
<br />property owners, agencies, and utilities, a decision shall be effective when
<br />approved. otherwise, unless appealed, a decision is effective on the
<br />eleventh day after i t i s entered.
<br />(5} A eal,~
<br />~a} within ten days of a planning director's decision, it may
<br />be appealed to the hearings official by the applicant, an affected
<br />property owner, agency, utility, or an adversely affected person.
<br />fib} An appeal shall be on a form prepared by the planning de-
<br />partment, shall be based on the record, and shall state specifi~
<br />cally haw the planning director failed to properly evaluate the
<br />proposed vacation or make a decision consistent with required
<br />criteria,
<br />~c} Unless the applicant and appellant agree to a longer time
<br />period, the hearings official shall hold a hearing to allow oral
<br />arguments on the appeal within 15 days from the date it is receiv-
<br />ed. At least ten days prior to the hearing the planning depart-
<br />ment shall mail notice thereof to the applicant, appellant, and
<br />affected property owners, agencies, utilities, and persons who
<br />requested notice of the planning director's decision.
<br />~d~ Within ten days of the hearing, unless the applicant
<br />and appellant agree to a longer time period, the hearings official
<br />shall render a decision and mail a copy thereof to the applicant,
<br />appellant, affected property owners, agencies, utilities, and per-
<br />sons who have requested a copy. The hearings official's decision
<br />is final as of the date entered.
<br />Section 7. Sections 8,813, 8.$15, 8,$Z0, 8.825, 8.830, 8.835, and 8.845
<br />of the Eugene Code, 1971, are hereby amended, and new sections 8.823 and
<br />8.850 added thereto, to read and provide:
<br />8.813 A licatian of Sections. Changes in sign district boundaries as
<br />indicated on the Sign Qistrict Map, shall be made as provided in
<br />in sections 8.815 to 8,850, except that changes in sign district boundaries
<br />ordinance -4-
<br />