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Ordinance No. 19197
City of Eugene
1980s No. 18550-19659
Ordinance No. 19197
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:43:37 PM
Creation date
3/16/2009 2:26:51 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance concerning land use application processes; amending, adding and repealing Sections of the Eugene Code, 1971; & providing for an effective date. (See Ordinance for complete list of effected Sections.)
Approved Date
R. A. "Gus" Keller
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shall be considered automatically in conjunction with zoning district boun- <br />dary changes, Changes to the text of this sign code shall be made in the <br />same manner as zoning ordinance text amendments. <br />8.SI5 Initiation. A change in the boundaries of any sign district ma <br />y <br />be initiated by the planning commission, city council, or the <br />owner. of property within the area for which the change of district is <br />proposed, <br />8.820 A li~catian, Fee; and Public Hearin Notice. <br />. ~ I} A, property owner proposing a change i n sign district bound- <br />aries shall subrn~t an application and related information fora change in <br />sign district boundaries in the manner prescribed by the planning depart- <br />ment, The application shall include: <br />~a} Name and address of applicant. <br />fib} Statement that the applicant is the owner of the <br />property for which the change in sign district boundary is <br />proposed, or his or her agent. <br />~c} Address and description of property. <br />~d} Reasons for which the change is being asked. <br />~2} The. application shall be accompanied by a fee as set by the <br />council . <br />~3} At least ten days before the hearing, the planning de artment <br />shall mail a notice thereof a p <br />nd ~nformat~on on the nature of the request to <br />the applicant, owners and occupants of the affected property, abuttin ro - <br />erty owners and accu ants and o ~ .g P p <br />p wners and occupants of properties adjacent <br />to abutting properties. For this notice, properties abutting the area of <br />the sign district boundary change proposal include those separated from it <br />by intervening streets or alleys. At least ten days prior to the hearin <br />the plannin de artment shall also o g' <br />g P p st notices of the nature of the request <br />and the hearing in at least three places within 300 feet of the subject <br />property. <br />8.823 Oeci si on and A eal Authority. If a sign district boundary than e <br />g <br />is for property proposed far annexation to the city, it shall be <br />approved, modified and approved, or denied by the planning commission. The <br />city counci 1 shall act on appeals from planning commission decisions on si n <br />9 <br />district boundary changes i n conjunction with annexations . If a si n di s- <br />trict boundar chap a onl inc ~ .g <br />Y g y Ludes property already ~n the city, ~t shall <br />be approved, modified and approved, or denied by the hearings official. The <br />planning commission shall act on appeals f ram decisions of the hearin s <br />official. Commission decisions ~ ~ ~ g <br />are f ~ nai . Al 1 final sign d~ str~ ct boundary <br />change decisions shall be by order which shall mandate in relevant cases <br />that the Sign District Map be amended to reflect the allowed chap a of si n <br />9 g <br />district. <br />8.825 Inyesti~c ati o„n and ,.,,Rep,ort~ The p1 anni ng department shall i nvesti ate <br />g <br />the facts bearing upon an application, prepare a report, and submit <br />i t to the commission or hearings offi ci a1 for consideration, prior to, or at <br />the public hearing. A copy of the report shall be mailed or delivered to the <br />applicant at the time it is delivered to the commission or hearings official. <br />/9/9~ <br />Ordinance -5- <br />
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