<br />EXHIBIT A (page 2 of 6) .
<br />
<br />Table 5
<br />
<br />MWMC (Regional) Wastewater Systems Development Charge Analysis
<br />
<br />
<br />"> Total Assets
<br />> Totalliabilities
<br />Local Equity (net assets)
<br />i)iiiiIiiiiiii!!iiiii~Ii)ii~~99~;~.;9~p~f~!Xg9ti~~9B~m~p~:i!jii!iii)ii)i!ii))ii)!)!iii!Iiiiiii!j!!!!iiiiii!!!!~!~ii:i~i!!!i!iii!ii!!!:!!!j::!i!:i:..i::\:)!.:=!:
<br />> Wet Weather Peak. Flow Jm rovements
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Analysis of Regional Wastewater System Value
<br />
<br />$202,210,388
<br />($131, 714, 700)
<br />$70,495,688
<br />
<br />......................-..-......... .................................................................
<br />..-.................-.............. .................................................................
<br />....-.-.......---....-............. ........-..-...................................................
<br />.....-.........-................... ......-..........................................................
<br />...- .... -. ....... .".. ..H........ . ............................................................._.
<br />..-.--.-...--.-.......-....... ......-...-............................................-...._-...
<br />. - . . . . . - . . - . . . - . . . . . .. - . . - . . . . - - -. - . . .. .. . ~. . . -. .... . -..... -...... ... .............. ...... ....
<br />n. _ _. . _.. ..... _.........................................................._.....
<br />..-..--............................-.......................-.....
<br />....--............-....... -......................................................-....-...
<br />........... ...... ...... .............................................................
<br />-............-....-...................-...................-....
<br />.....--............. ................-- ...............................................................
<br />........-......................................-...............
<br />..........--.................................................-.
<br />...............................................................
<br />
<br />$6,170,000
<br />
<br />2. MWMC System Capacity and Allocation of Capital Values
<br />
<br />..........................................
<br />:::::::::::::::::;:::::::;::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::=::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::- .......--.-....-....-.......-.'.-...,.--....
<br />~ilt!lIj!i!Ii!Il~!jj{ttWItt::ti~jt}~:::: A. Existing System..Equity ... B. Planned CapacityE:f1t1;.tn~~rll~~~<>
<br />'fiI:fIfffftttitt:::i:.:.:.,.:.,.:.:: :. ---- ------- ----'--'-~-'-'---'-- --------------- ---'-------~- -'-'-----'---'-'.;.;.-....'-'-''-''-'.;.;.'-'-''-'-''-''-'-"'-
<br />
<br />1IIIIIIjllt C~~~~i~
<br />
<br />.............................................
<br />
<br />iiiiiii1IK~lg~ii.!i!i!i!iiii!i!!i;
<br />
<br />...........................................-.
<br />i!~!~Je&Bi!!Emw!!#!!1!11I!i
<br />...................-.-.......................
<br />.............................................
<br />....................................-........
<br />.........................-...........-.......
<br />.....................................-........
<br />::::::::a.......O.:.....::O......:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
<br />..... . .............................
<br />.... " .............................
<br />..'.' .'-. '.. .~.. ... ................-.... -........ -................... -.'
<br />}~:~:: :::;: ::::: :::::: :~:: :::~:~:~ :~:~:~ :~: ~:~:}~:~:~: ~}: ~: ~: ~ :}~ :~:~:} ~: ~ .
<br />.............................................
<br />@~j!jS$Ij!1if!ijijf~I!i!j!i!iII!i!li!tlI
<br />.............................................
<br />.............................................
<br />...........................-.................
<br />.............................................
<br />.............................................
<br />:!iI!i!iIjj!i!1!Ii!~!ij!!!I~!!Ii!j!!j!~j!!!!!!j!!~[9!~I.$!i;
<br />
<br />49,000,000
<br />175,000,000
<br />66 000
<br />71,600
<br />
<br />Percent of Component Design Percent of Component
<br />Facility Cost Value Capacity Facility Cost Value
<br />22.00% $15,509,000 0 0% $0
<br />43.00% $30,313,000 16,000,000 1000/0 $6,170,000
<br />19% $13,394,000 0 0% $0
<br />16% $11,279,000 0 0% $0
<br />100% $70,495,000 100% $6,170.000
<br />
<br />
<br />A. Average Daily Flow:
<br /> Cost of Component Design flow = Cost per gallon of average daily flow
<br /> [ $15,509,000 49,000,000 gallons per day = $0.317 per gallon of average daily flow ]
<br />B~ Peak Flow* (allocates peak wet weather capacity to average user flow) :
<br /> Cost of Peak. Flow Component Average Design flow = Cost of peak flow capacity per gallon of average
<br /> daily flow
<br /> [ ( $30,31 3,000 + $6,170,000) 49,000,000 gallons per day = $0.745 per gallon of average daily flow ]
<br />C. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD):
<br /> Cost of BOD Component Design BOD daily capacity = Cost per pound of BOD per day
<br /> [ $13,394,000 66,000 pounds per day = $202.94 per pound ]
<br />D. Suspended Solids (SS):
<br /> Cost of SS Component Design SS daily capacity = Cost per pound of SS per day
<br /> [ $1 1 ,279,000 71 ,600 pounds per day = $1 57.53 per pound ]
<br />
<br />* The unit cost of Peak Flow is calculated on the basis of average daily plant capacity of 49,000,000
<br />to enable recovery of costs from system users.
<br />
<br />City of Eugene SOC Methodology
<br />
<br />Page 0-9
<br />