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<br />TABLE 1 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A (page] of 6) <br /> <br />SUMMARY OF SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGES <br /> <br />- <br /> f ran.sportation Wastewater - City SOC Wastewater - MWMC SDC Stonnwater Parks <br /> Cost per trip = Cost per Equivalent Costs are based on the type of land Cost per square foot of Cost per <br /> $665.49 Dwelling Unit (EDU) use and, for industrial dischargers impervious surface area = Dwelling Unit = <br /> = $560.58. Plumbing with process flows, on the strength of $0.148. Cost per single-family $833.43 <br /> Fixture Unit (PFU) discharge. The rate varies by land development (SFD) with building <br />tI) costs are $35.04. System use. The rate for a single residential footprint <3,000 sq. ft = $475.74 <br />IV <br />I-' connections in River Road unit is $302.64 or L3,ooo sq. ft. = $713.61. Per <br />to <br />t:: ISanta Clara and Hwy 99 Duplex = $951.48. For <br /> areas will pay $0.025 per Manufactured Home Parks = <br /> square foot of lot area. $249.23 per space plus cost per <br /> square foot of additional <br /> impervious area = $0.148. <br /> Non-assessable Estimated non-assessable The reimbursement portion of the Estimated non-assessable cost Unit costs for <br />2 cost per lane mile cost of existing system charge is based on the net local of existing system using costs various <br />, for collectors and using costs from equity in the regional treatment plant from Mlnfrastructure components <br />:s <br />l arterials; costs of M Infrastructure and other regional assets. The Replacement Values Report". <br />, arterial street lights; Replacement Values improvement portion of the charge is <br />) cost per mile for Report". Charges based on current cost of capacity- <br />) <br /> off-street bicycle are net of all federal grants enhancing projects to be constructed, <br /> paths. and outstanding debt. as contained in the current Capital <br /> Improvement Program. <br />, level of Service Design flow standards The service standards are secondary Design standards currently used Existing levels <br />J <br />i MD" for roads (675 currently used by the City wastewater treatment for flows as by the City to handle a five-year of service for <br />J peak hour vehicles for various land use types. defined in MWMC's operating permit storm. various <br />i per lane). One light PFUs are determined . with DEa, and capacity enhancing components, as <br />, per 27 peak hour using Oregon State capital improvements as listed in the established in <br />I VMT. 0.2268 miles Drainage Plumbing Code. capital improvements plan adopted the Eugene <br />~ "'lff-street bicycle by the MWMC. Parks and <br />; .fl per 1,000 Recreation <br />I people: Plan. <br />l) Improvement Reimbursement charge The MWMC charge is a combined Improvement charge Improvement <br />" Charge >33% reimbursement and improvement fee. charge <br />~ The proportion of the fee that is based <br />) Improvement charge on capacity enhancing improvements <br /> >67% varies over time as projects are <br />) identified, funded, and scheduled. <br /> Charges for roads Charges are on the Charges for new development, Basic SFD dwelling unit cost is Charges are <br /> and streetlights basis of ED Us or PFUs. changes in use and existing computed based upon assumed based on a flat <br /> would be calculated Existing commercial development connecting for the first 35% impervious area on 9200 rate per <br /> based on trip rates development connecting time are based on the number of Flow square foot lot. For SFDs with dwelling unit for <br /> for specific for the first time is charged Estimation Units (FEUs), times the L3,OOO sq. ft., the cost is based all types <br /> development types based on average winter cost per unit of measure. A FEU is upon 1.5 times the basic SFD of residential <br /> according to months' water based on the size of development, rate. For Duplex development, development. <br /> Appendix C, using consumption, converted to and the effluent characteristics of the cost is based on 2 times the There is no <br /> dwelling units, gross EDUs. Credit for past flow, biochemical oxygen demand basic SFD rate). The cost charge for <br /> floor area, or other trunk sewer levy payments and suspended solids for each type for a Manufactured Home Park commercial <br /> units. Trip rates will be granted for the local of land use. The charge for changes is computed based on assumed development. <br /> capped at 10 trips charge. in use and expansion of development 1 ,684 sq. ft. of impervious area <br /> per 1,000 square already connected to the wastewater per leasable space plus the <br /> feet or equivalent. system are based on the net additional cost per square foot of <br /> difference in FEUs created by the all other impervious surface area. <br /> change or expansion. Credit for past All other development is charged <br /> property tax payments for debt based on actual impervious <br /> service on the regional facilities will surface area or equivalent <br /> be deducted from the charge. surface area. <br />:=" 'linistration costs are not included in the figures above. They will be added to each building permit. The administrative cost is 5.0% of the <br /> SDC (prior to deduction of credit). An additional $10.00 per permit MWMC administrative charge will be added to the MWMC SOC. <br /> <br />City of Eugene SDC Methodology <br /> <br />Page 3 <br />