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Admin Order 58-01-03-F
City of Eugene
Administrative Orders
Admin Order 58-01-03-F
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Last modified
6/10/2010 10:48:23 AM
Creation date
4/9/2009 3:23:44 PM
City Recorder
Admin Orders
James R. Johnson
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<br />significantly increase the level of soil compaction, and measures are required to protect <br />vegetation. The City of Eugene will continue to evaluate land management policies and <br />procedures to ensure compliance with the ESA pertaining to salmon habitat. No change to <br />the Policy and Procedures Regulating Vehicle Parking Off Improved Surfaces in Parks (the <br />"Policy and Procedures") is being made as a result of this comment. <br /> <br />Comment 2: The Friends of Rasor Park are concerned about the vague language <br />relating to the City Manager's discretion to set fees for parking on park lands, and support <br />language to allow the City to maximize the revenues received from such parking. <br /> <br />Findings: I concur with this recommendation. The policy should allow the City <br />Manager discretion to set fees based on the outcome providing the greatest public benefit. <br />Such flexibility will allow the fees to be based on the type of event and the level of potential <br />impacts to park resources. Section 3.6 of the Policy and Procedures was therefore being <br />amended to indicate that there will be no maximum limit to the amount charged for parking <br />off improved surfaces. <br /> <br />Comment 3: The Friends of Rasor Park recommend that the City phase out parking <br />on unimproved surfaces within 2 to 3 years. <br /> <br />Findings: Again, the intent of the policy to allow vehicle parking off improved <br />surfaces in parks is to minimize the construction of paved parking areas that are necessary <br />only for limited duration special events. The City feels strongly that the type of special <br />events utilizing this policy, including such events as the Maude Kerns Art and the Vineyard <br />Festival, the Obon Festival, and Cuthbert Amphitheater performances, are of a very high <br />value to the community. The City will continue to monitor the impacts of this policy on park <br />resources and to make any necessary adjustments. No change to the Policy and Procedures <br />is being made as a result of this comment. <br /> <br />Comment 4: The Friends of Rasor Park request that the City strengthen the <br />monitoring and enforcement of requirements for parking on unimproved surfaces. <br /> <br />Findings: The City feels that new measures put into place will strengthen the <br />monitoring and enforcement of requirements. The City will annually evaluate the success <br />of monitoring and any necessary enforcement activities and modify as necessary. No change <br />to the Policy and Procedures is being made as a result of this comment. <br /> <br />Comment 5: The Friends of Rasor Park suggest that the City dedicate at least a <br />portion of revenues from such parking for monitoring, enforcement and restoration. <br /> <br />Findings: The City intends to dedicate all funds from such parking to a special <br />revenue fund to support priority park maintenance and development proj ects at Alton Baker <br />Park. No change to the Policy and Procedures is being made as a result of this comment. <br /> <br />Administrative Order - 2 <br />c:\ WINDOWS\ TEMP\O IParkingO:ff.2ao. wpd <br />
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