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(~z~-i <br />~c~ When mare than ten spaces is required, they shall be <br />covered. <br />~d~ Required spaces shall be located a maximum of two times <br />the distance between building entrances used by automobile occu- <br />pants and the nearest parking spaces to those entrances. <br />fie} Each required space shall be a minimum length of six <br />feet, a minimum width of two feet, and shall be provided with a <br />minimum overhead clearance of six feet. <br />~f~ The traffic engineer may allow exemptions to required <br />bicycle spaces in connection with temporary uses or uses that <br />are not 1 i kely to generate the need for bicycle parking. <br />Section ~1. Section 9.590 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is hereby amended <br />to read and provide: <br />9.590 Shared Parkin~C. When two ar more uses share common parking faci- <br />lities, the total number of parking spaces re aired shall be the <br />q <br />sum of spaces required for those uses individually, except for: <br />~a~ Shopping centers as described in section 9.586~c~. <br />fib} Joint use at different times. The building official may <br />authori ~e joint use of required foci 1 i ti es provided: <br />1. The applicant shows there will be no substantial <br />conflict in,the principal operating hours of the buildings or <br />uses for which the point parking use is proposed; <br />2 . The parking f ac i 1 i ty wi 11 be within 440 feet of the <br />buildings or uses it will serve; <br />3. The parties involved in the joint parking facility <br />agree to the joint use arrangement in a legal document approv- <br />ed by the city attorney; and <br />4. The legal document is recorded in the office of the <br />Lane County Recorder and a copy filed with the city~s build- <br />ing division. <br />~c~ ~Jo~nt use simultaneously, The building official may <br />authorize simultaneous use of required facilities provided: <br />1. No more than two uses under separate ownership or <br />occupancy shall be involved, <br />2. The uses are included in the commercial types listed <br />in section 9.5S6~c}, <br />3., The uses will occur in the same building, <br />4.p ~t can be reasonably anticipated that a number of <br />customers or clients will be served by both uses while in the <br />building, and, <br />5. The number of spaces provided will be at least equal <br />to the greater required of the two uses individually. <br />The building official shall determine the extent of reduction on <br />an individual basis as conditions warrant. <br />Section ~2. Subsection ~c~ of Section 9.59 of the Eugene Code, 1971 <br />is hereby amended to read and provide: <br />Ordinance - ~3 <br />