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Item 4: Ordinance on Wastewater and Stormwater
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2009
CC Agenda - 04/20/09 Public Hearing
Item 4: Ordinance on Wastewater and Stormwater
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6/9/2010 12:46:17 PM
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4/17/2009 10:31:49 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br /> <br />Current Budget Outlook - Under the most current projections, the Road Fund is expected to generate a <br />$2.3 million annual operating deficit this current year (FY09), and with no new revenues that annual <br />deficit would grow to nearly $5 million in the out years of the six-year forecast. In the absence of <br />deliberate action, the fund will deplete all available fund resources and become insolvent sometime in the <br />fall of 2009. On the other hand, a set of $3.8 million ongoing revenue solutions implemented by July 1, <br />2009, would eliminate the projected future annual operating deficits throughout the forecast period and <br />As an alternative, a minimum of $2.8 <br />restore the fund balance to the policy-recommended level. <br />million in one-time revenue would be needed for FY10 <br />to fully fund the current operations of the Road <br />Fund for one year while council continues to work on a comprehensive, sustainable funding strategy. <br /> <br />Program Cost-Cutting Measures - Responding to the challenge of identifying opportunities for ongoing <br />cost savings, the Public Works Department is implementing $178,000 of reductions in the FY10 Road <br />Fund operating budget through the redeployment of several employee positions from traditional Road <br />Fund work (street debris removal, development review, night call response) to address emerging needs in <br />other City programs. Staff believes these cost savings are both achievable and sustainable without <br />significant reductions in service or public response. Across the City, staff continues to explore other <br />opportunities for increasing efficiencies and reducing costs. Some of these budget-saving strategies, such <br />as voluntary furloughs, deferred replacements and reductions in the fleet of equipment and vehicles, and <br />reduced use of outside consultants and services, are anticipated to benefit funds and operating budgets <br />across the organization. <br /> <br />One-time Funding Strategy - Responding to council direction to bring back a one-time funding strategy to <br />maintain street O&M services through FY10, the City Manager is proposing a three-part funding package <br />as a FY10 stop-gap solution, comprised of the following three elements: <br /> Redirect up to $1.4 million of the FY10 local motor vehicle fuel tax revenue <br />1) from capital <br />pavement preservation to critical street O&M services and back-fill the pavement preservation <br />program funding with the $3.0 million of federal stimulus payments dedicated to that purpose; <br /> Authorize a transfer from stormwater/wastewater reserves <br />2)by including in the final FY10 <br />Adopted Budget a one-time $500,000 contribution for FY10 from existing reserves in City-owned <br />wastewater and stormwater utilities; and <br /> Impose a 5% transportation surcharge on solid waste haulers. <br />3) <br /> <br />? It is the second element of the City Manager’s stop-gap funding strategy to keep the Road Fund <br />solvent through FY10 that is the subject of this public hearing. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED COUNCIL GOALS AND POLICIES <br />The council’s Vision and Goals Statement with respect to Fair, Stable and Adequate Financial Resources <br />reaffirms commitment to “a local government whose ongoing financial resources are based on a fair and <br />equitable system of taxation and other revenue sources and are adequate to maintain and deliver <br />municipal services.” The goal of the council Transportation Initiative is to: “Develop mechanisms to <br />adequately fund Eugene’s transportation system for cars, trucks, bikes and pedestrians, including <br />maintenance and preservation and capital reconstruction.” <br /> <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br /> <br />The two principal strategies available for balancing the FY10 Road Fund budget are: 1) to reduce the <br />current service system to the level of existing and projected resources; or 2) to increase the level of <br />Z:\CMO\2009 Council Agendas\M090420\S0904204.DOC <br /> <br />
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