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Item 4: Ordinance on Wastewater and Stormwater
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2009
CC Agenda - 04/20/09 Public Hearing
Item 4: Ordinance on Wastewater and Stormwater
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Last modified
6/9/2010 12:46:17 PM
Creation date
4/17/2009 10:31:49 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />Previous Council Action and History <br />On November 12, 2008, the City Manager provided the council with an update about the status of the <br />Road Fund as well as his intended interim funding strategies to keep these critical City services funded for <br />FY10 and beyond. At that meeting, individual councilors acknowledged that the Road Fund funding <br />shortfalls could not be found in service reductions alone and that the need to find new sources of City <br />revenue for transportation systems was great. On February 8, 2009, the council discussed two new <br />potential revenue sources for preserving existing street O&M services—a right-of-way use fee (similar to <br />a franchise fee) on City-owned utilities, and a transportation surcharge on solid waste (garbage) haulers. <br />Councilors discussed the need for two different sets of funding strategies, with the first being a one-time, <br />“stop gap” plan for fully funding these critical services in FY10. The second funding strategy set called <br />for was in the form of a comprehensive “road map” for solving the City’s overall transportation funding <br />problems in the long term. The council acknowledged that developing the longer-term solutions, <br />including a potential Street Utility Fee and a potential Street Lighting Fee, would need to involve more <br />public input and buy-in over the coming months. <br /> <br />On April 8, 2009, the council discussed the City Manager’s proposed one-time funding strategy to <br />maintain street O&M services through fiscal year 2010, which included as one of its elements a $500,000 <br />transfer from existing reserves in City-owned wastewater and stormwater utilities, acknowledging that <br />City utilities derive a direct benefit from the use of the road right-of-way but, unlike other utility <br />providers, have never paid a fee for the commercial use of the right-of way. After extended discussion, a <br />council majority voted to send forward for public hearing the proposed amendments to Eugene City Code <br />to specifically allow the use of certain stormwater and wastewater resources for road operations, <br />maintenance, repair, preservation and reconstruction (see Attachment A). <br /> <br />Financial and/or Resource Considerations <br />Use of Wastewater and Stormwater Reserves – Nexus to Road Services and Ratepayer Impact - The City <br />has made a significant investment in the road right-of-way over the years and has historically charged a <br />variety of utility providers for the use of those rights-of-way. Fees for the commercial use of the rights- <br />of-way are currently assessed by the City in the form of franchise fees, license fees and permits to <br />privately-owned utility providers. EWEB pays contributions-in-lieu-of-taxes (CILT) at a similar rate. <br />The ROW fees and CILT payments are currently receipted into the City’s General Fund and used to <br />support general municipal services. However, Eugene has never imposed right-of-way use fees on its <br />own City-owned wastewater and stormwater utilities. At least 15 cities in Oregon assess right-of-way or <br />franchise fees on utilities providing water, wastewater and/or stormwater services. For example, the City <br />of Bend charges a right-of-way franchise fee on the gross revenues of the City's Water and Water <br />Reclamation Funds to help fund a shortfall in Bend's transportation budget. The fee generates around <br />$825,000 annually and costs the average ratepayer in Bend an additional $2.88 per month. <br /> <br />The City Manager has scheduled tonight’s public hearing to allow the council to receive public comment <br />on proposed amendments to the Eugene City Code that would specifically allow the use of certain <br />stormwater and wastewater resources for road operations, maintenance, repair, preservation and <br />reconstruction (see Attachment A). On April 27, the council will have an opportunity to take final action <br />on the proposed code amendments. Budget authority for the FY10 one-time transfer of $500,000 from <br />wastewater and stormwater utility reserves would move forward as part of the FY10 Budget coming to <br />the council for formal adoption in June. Approval of this one-time transfer from City-owned utilities to <br /> <br />the Road Fund would impose no ongoing obligation on utility ratepayers. <br /> <br /> Z:\CMO\2009 Council Agendas\M090420\S0904204.DOC <br /> <br />
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