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have to go somewhere to start the day. He disputed the notion that it was about politics or trust in the police <br />department by some of the people in our community, it was about safety for the police department in <br />general. He thanked everyone for coming and speaking. <br /> <br />Councilor Clark also thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. He related that he accompanied Mr. <br />Brown on the annual River Cleanup, which was sponsored by REI. He said much debris was left behind on <br />the river banks by illegal campers. He remarked that in the previous year they had “only found five latrines” <br />next to the water. He underscored that the community had extensive discussions about water quality issues <br />and some of the things the City wanted to support as regulatory matters that would affect properties all <br />across the community. He had brought this up before and wanted to reiterate that the City had a problem <br />regarding what it was willing to allow next to the river, while the rest of the population was dealing with <br />other problems that were not effectively addressing the homeless camping along the river. He wanted the <br />City to address this in the budgeting process. He thought the St. Vincent DePaul program could be <br />expanded. He wanted more than just a memorandum as he believed this to be a much more dramatic issue <br />and felt the City could do a better job of protecting its river. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy recalled that Acting in Capacity (AIC) Facilities Division Manager Mike Penwell, had <br />indicated that the seismic upgrade would cost $3 million. Ms. Medary clarified that Mr. Penwell had said it <br />would be difficult to just spend $3 million, though this was the actual line item cost of doing a seismic <br />retrofit on City Hall. She said the facility would be facing “some big ticket items” in addition to the retrofit. <br />She noted that the last estimate for the entire costs had been $50 million and the estimate made in 2001 had <br />been $20 million. <br /> <br />2. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> <br />A. Approval of City Council Minutes <br /> <br /> - November 17, 2008, Work Session <br /> - November 26, 2008, Work Session <br /> - November 26, 2008, Executive Session <br /> - December 10, 2008, Work Session <br /> - January 12, 2009, Work Session <br /> - January 12, 2009, City Council Meeting <br /> - January 13, 2009, Joint Elected Officials Meeting <br /> - January 14, 2009, Executive Session <br /> B. Approval of Tentative Working Agenda <br /> C. Ratification of Intergovernmental Relations Committee Actions of December 3, 2008, and <br />January 13, 2009 <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka, seconded by Councilor Clark, moved to approve the items on the Con- <br />sent Calendar. Roll call vote; the motion to approve the Consent Calendar passed unanim- <br />ously, 8:0. <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council February 9, 2009 Page 4 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> <br />