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3. ACTION: <br /> <br />Ratification of Intergovernmental Relations Committee Actions and Direction on Legislative <br />Policy on January 28, and February 4, 2009 <br /> <br />Intergovernmental Relations Manager Brenda Wilson explained that four bills had been pulled for review at <br />the meeting of the Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (CCIGR) held on January 28, and <br />two bills had been pulled at the meeting held on February 4. She reiterated that current CCIGR operating <br />agreements required that direction on legislation be unanimous before the City could take a position on a <br />piece of legislation. She indicated that she would review them one at a time. <br /> <br />Senate Bill 192 <br /> <br />Ms. Wilson explained that this was a Governor’s bill introduced to create a historic property partial tax <br />exemption. She said the exemption would be in place for 15 years with a possibility for renewal. She noted <br />that City staff members, Senior Management Analyst Larry Hill and Urban Services Manager Richie <br />Weinman, had recommended a Priority 2 Oppose position because any tax exemption that was enacted took <br />money out of the General Fund that could be utilized for other projects. She related that Councilor Taylor <br />wished to change the standing on the bill to Priority 2 Support because she was concerned about the <br />diminishing numbers of historic properties in the City and in the state. This had resulted in a 2:1 vote. She <br />noted that the bill had not had a hearing to date. <br /> <br />House Bill 2052 <br /> <br />Ms. Wilson explained that this was an interim committee bill from the Human Services and Women’s <br />Wellness Committee that would require governmental entities that wanted to establish specific facilities to <br />obtain advice from a subcommittee within the jurisdiction. She said this had arisen from two instances <br />within the state in which a lockdown residential treatment facility had been sited in cities without notifica- <br />tion. She related that City Attorney Jerry Lidz had been neutral on the bill; he had thought it could legally <br />make the siting of these facilities easier. Councilor Taylor had wanted to monitor the bill and this had <br />resulted in a 2:1 vote. She stated that the bill had a hearing, had been in the House Judiciary Committee, <br />and was sent without recommendation to the House Committee on Human Services where it would receive <br />another public hearing. <br /> <br /> <br />House Bill 2184 <br /> <br />Ms. Wilson said the bill would establish a goal for the beverage container return rate for the State of <br />Oregon. She related that this had come out of a recommendation from the Bottle Bill Task Force, created by <br />the Legislature in 2007. She explained that the goal would be for an 80 percent return by 2015 and would <br />expand the type of beverage containers that would be considered returnable to include distilled liquor, wine, <br />sports drinks, juice, tea, coffee and any other similar non-carbonated drink. She stated that it would increase <br />the refund value for containers from 5 cents to 10 cents. She added that it had recommended that an <br />advisory committee be set up to look at statewide-run redemption centers, to be paid for by the industry. <br />She said the staff members that had provided input were Solid Waste Management Program Manager Ethan <br />Nelson and Sustainability Manager Felicity Fahy and they had suggested adopting a Priority 3 Support on <br />the bill. She reported that Councilor Ortiz had moved to change this to Priority 1 Support and Councilor <br />Taylor had voted in opposition. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council February 9, 2009 Page 5 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> <br />