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1853 <br />Section ll. The following sections are hexe~y added to th.e Eugene <br />Code, 1971, to read and provide: <br />3.174 First did Vehicle and Zn~v,a,li~d o~ wh~el~-chair Coach - <br />D~riwe~r and Attendant Re~ ui~re~en~ts . ~ The finance officer <br />shall lssue~ a ~.lcense to a first aid veh.zcle, or invalid or <br />wheel-chair coach driver, attendant, or driver--attendant only <br />upon receipt of proof that the app~,icant: <br />~:a~_ is not addicted to the use of intoxicating <br />~,iquors or narcotics and .is amorally fit for the posi- <br />tion. <br />~b~_ Ts able to speak, xead and write the English <br /> <br />~c~ Has been ~QUnd by a duly licensed ph~sician <br />y <br />upon e~~ination attested to on a form provided by the <br />he~:lth. officer, to be phy~sicall,y sound, eyesight cor- <br />rected to at least 24/44 in the better eye, and free <br />of physical defects or diseases which might im air the <br />p <br />abi~.ity to drive ox attend a fa.rst old vehicle or In- <br />valid or wheel. chair coach. <br />~:d~ . if an applicant fox a f first aid vehicle atten- <br />dant or dx%~ver-attendant, is cert%fied by the State of <br />Oregon pursuant to QRS 485.5D4 through 485.595 and ORS <br />~77.6~,4 through 677.?04 or their successor statutes as <br />an e~€er~ency medical technician I, T2, TI~I, or TV, <br />~e~. Tf an applicant fax an invalid or wheel-chair <br />coach.attendant or driver--.attendant, is a certified <br />nurse's aide ar a certified e~ner~ency medical technician <br />I, ox ~io~.ds a cuxrentvalid cexti~icate from a course of <br />training egui~ra~,ent to the advanced course in first aid <br />g~;ven by~ the American ~,ed Cross ar the United States <br />~u~eau ~~ Mines. any such applicant must also hold a <br />current CPR caxd, . <br />~~~. ~f an appli:.cant for a license as a driver or <br />dr.ive.~-attendant, holds a valid chauffeur's license <br />~xa~ the ~s to to , <br />3.12 ~ ;F~~rs~t . A~i:d~ ~Teh~c~,e - ~~,e: ~~~i-r~~d. ~a~,d Pxohi~bi:ted ~Eq~uipment. <br />~1~~ ~'o first aid ~vehic~,e ~operatax license shall be <br />issued u,nles~s the city ~mar~ager or the manager's desi note has <br />g <br />deter~ned upon personal inspection that the construction, <br />capacity, and first aid supplies and equipment of each first <br />aid ve.h.icle proposed to be operated is ~ in~ f~ul~, com Hance with <br />,. p <br />all the of this state and code. <br />~~2~. Upon application for a first aid vehicle <br />operator's li.ce~;s~e~, the applicant shall. submit a list of <br />supplies and equipment to be carried ire each vehicle. This <br />list shall be~sub~ect to review and approved annually at the <br />Ordinance -- 5 <br />