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18853 <br />Section 7. Section 3.1.45 of th.e. Eugene Code 1971, is hereby <br />amended to read and provide: <br />3.145 Amb~ul,ance Operator - Gro~u~nds for Sus erasion or Revoca-- <br />~tiwn. 2n addition to other grounds specified in this <br />code, an ambulance operator's ~.icense can be suspended: <br />~a~.. If the license holder abandons the operation <br />of its ambulance service for one or more days except <br />or reaso~,s beyond a.ts control. <br />~.b~_ If the license holder fails to render satis- <br />factory service. <br />Section 8. There is hereby added to the Eugene Cade, 1971, a <br />new section to be numbered and provide: <br />3.15 Awail~abi~lit ~ of Ambul~;nce Records. An ambulance opera- <br />tor shall ~nanta,in adequate records of transportation <br />of all patients and shall maintain financial records in accord- <br />ance with acceptable accounting practice. All books and records <br />of an ambulance operator shall be available for inspection by <br />the city at any reasonable timeupon ~4 hours notice in writing. <br />Section 9. Section 3.16a of the Eugene Cade, 1971, is hereby <br />amended to read ar~d <br />3.164 F~ui~a,g~at,io,a~„sand Di,,,s,,,rif:ection. An, ambulance, first aid <br />.vehicle:, ~ .rx~~lid~-or ~hee~l-chair coach carrying a atient <br />., ~ ,, ~ R p <br />afflicted with a contagious or infectious disease shall there- <br />after be carefully and thoroughly fumigated and disinfected <br />under rul,es~ of the county health officials , before being used <br />for another patient. <br />Section ~10. <br />Section. 3.x.65 of the Eu~e~e Code, 1971, is hereby <br />amended to read and provide <br />3.165 ~Res~ons~:bil;it~r,,,,of ~~e;rator. An ambulance, first aid <br />vehicle, or invalid or wheel-chair coach operator shall <br />supervise his ar her employes inspect his ar her equipment to <br />assure that at all times it meets the requirements of this code, <br />and maintain a record of all equipment inspections that shall be <br />available for review by the city upon ~4 hour notice in writing. <br />The operator shall not permit a person who is under the influence <br />of intoxicatin.~ liquor or drub to drive an ambulance, first aid <br />vehicle, or ~inva.lid or wheel.-chair coach, or tv accompany the <br />same as an atte~da~,t. Tn the e~'ent an employe violates a pro- <br />vision o~ th.;s chapter, the operator may be held responsible <br />and his or h.e:r l~cens~e nay be revoked for the violations . <br />Ordinance - 4 <br />