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~~} Truck sales and services. <br />~y~ whalesa~,ing, warehousing and star- <br />ing of the following, provided that all outdoor stor- <br />age shall be enclosed within site-obscuring fences or <br />walls; <br />1. Automobiles, trucks and buses. <br />2. Consumer goods. <br />3. Contractors equipment. <br />4. Building materials, except no on-site <br />wrecking or burning. <br />5. Good products. <br />6. Liquid fuel. <br />7. Household goods. <br />8. Ice. <br />9. Lumber, except no log storage or <br />ponding, <br />14. other items similar to the preceding <br />items, including nonspecific or general whole- <br />soling, warehousing and storage that shall not <br />have any different or more detrimental effect <br />upon the adjoining neighborhood areas or dis- <br />trios than the items specifically listed. <br />~z} Utility distribution plants and <br />service yards. <br />~a-1~ other buildings and uses similar <br />to the list above which shall not have any different <br />or more detrimental effect upon the adjoining neigh- <br />. boyhood areas or districts than the buildings and uses <br />specifically listed, provided that retail sales uses, <br />unless specifically listed, shall only be incidental <br />and directly related to the operation of permitted in- <br />dustrial uses, <br />Buildings and uses existing as of January 27, 1982 are exempt <br />from sections 9.612 to 9.626 pertaining to non-conforming uses. <br />Section 4. Section 9.466 of the Bugene Code, 1971, is hereby <br />amended to read and provide: <br />9.466 Buildin s and Uses Permitted Conditionally. <br />~l~In addition to the buildings and uses permitted <br />conditionally, listed in sections 9.492 to 9.502, the hearings <br />official may grant a conditional use permit for any of the <br />following buildings and uses in accordance with the procedures <br />set forth in sections 9.696 to 9.722: <br />~a} Asphalt botching. <br />~b~ Concrete mixing concrete batch plant. <br />~c~ Manufacturing, compounding, bottling, <br />processing, packaging, ar treatment of food and bev- <br />erage products except fish, meat, sauerkraut, vine- <br />gar, yeast and alcoholic beverages. <br />Ordinance - 4 <br />