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1937 <br />this code and the time for appearing in municipal court <br />specified on the citations} has passed or the time for <br />payment of the fine has passed. <br />(2) when a vehicle is standing or parked in viola- <br />tion of subsection ~l~ of this section, the parking control <br />officer yr police officex shall immobilize the vehicle as <br />provided in section 5.74Q of this chapter. <br />5. 94 Denia of pa kin Perm _ ,..,., <br />x ~_ .its and Hoods, The city mana- <br />ger ar his ax her designee may withhold issuing any <br />parking permits or parking hoods authorized by this chapter <br />if the person seeking the parl~ing permit or hood or a vehicle <br />owned by the person seeking the parking permit yr hood: <br />~a~ has outstanding citations for violations <br />of th~.s chapter for which bail has not been deposited <br />with or fines paid to the municipal court; or <br />~.b~ is subject to a municipal court order deny- <br />ing the issuance thereof, <br />5.653 Joinder of Offenses. ~ parking citation must charge <br />but one offense and in one farm only, except several <br />parking citations against a vehicle operator or owner for <br />the same act of stopping, standing or parking may be consoli- <br />dated upon order of the municipal court. <br />5.675 Expedited Judicial P~e~riew of violations, The munici- <br />pal court may establish procedures fvr the owner, <br />operator or person in charge of a vehicle to receive a review <br />of the written record for any citation based on~a violation <br />of this chapter yr for towing and storage fees provided in <br />section 5.693 of this chapter and to receive a decision on <br />the written record. Before a person uses the procedures <br />established under this section the municipal court may re- <br />quire the posting of bail or bond fvr the offense, the waiver <br />of the right tv trial and appeal therefrom, and an agreement <br />that any decision rendered shall be final and no appeal taken <br />thereon. The review may be limited to matters not previously <br />considered by the municipal court. <br />5.6 9 3 I m o u n din e n t D wn e r.,,,. ~~_,._,,. ,,,,,,.,~ <br />p - ,,,,'s Responsibility, The owner of <br />a vehicle shall be responsible for the cost of tow- <br />ing and storage of the vehicle impounded plus the costs of <br />notice and sale as provided in sections 5.693 to 5,980. <br />Ordinance - l3 <br />