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18937 <br />5, 697 Impoundment -~ Re~riew of Im ound Fees. At the time <br />and place set for court appearance on a citation <br />issued in connect~.on with an ~,mpoundn~.ent authorized by sec- <br />tion 5.695, the municipal judge shall hear in addition to <br />any challenge to the validity of the citation, any challenges <br />to the amount of the tow and storage paid or to be paid by <br />the person securing release of the vehicle. <br />5, 699 ~Impound~nent ~- Sale_ ~nd.,.,,Reden~ption, <br />~1} Any vehicle impounded by authority~of section <br />4.695 shall be sold as prescribed in section 2.525 et seq. <br />of this code. Any notice given the owner in compliance with <br />section 5.695 may be used in meeting the notice requirements <br />of section 2.525. <br />(2} The city's interest in and hold on any vehicle <br />impounded by authority of section 5,695 shall be released any <br />time prior to sale of the vehicle upon the owner or other <br />person having a financial interest in the vehicle posting <br />with municipal court any unpaid bail and paying all unpaid <br />fines. <br />_y ,,,.,,_„~ awing and Stvra~e. <br />5.9 0 Possessor L a. e n f o r T_„_,...~,,..._ ,_~.,.,..,.,.~._ ~.~.~„~ <br />~.l} Any person who, at the request of a police offi- <br />cer or parking control officer of the city, tows and stores <br />a vehicle as authorized by this chapter; <br />~a~ Except as otherwise provided in this sec- <br />tion, shall have a lien on the vehicle and its con- <br />tents in accordance with ORS 57.152 for the just and <br />reasonable charges for towing and storage services <br />perf or~med; <br />. ~b~ May retain possession of the vehicle and <br />contents until such charges are paid; and <br />~.c~ Shall prouide written notice, approved by <br />the city, containing information on the procedures <br />necessary to obtain the release of the vehicle and <br />judicial review or hearing as provided in sections <br />5.675 and 5.697 of this chapter to each person who <br />seeks to redeem the vehicle. <br />~_2} Alien described under this section does not <br />attach to the contents of any vehicle until l5 days after <br />taking the vehicle into custody. <br />~3~ No person towing or storing a vehicle as pro- <br />vided in this chapter may release the vehicle without first <br />obtaining the wr~.tten permission of the municipal court or <br />the pola~ce departr~ent. <br />Ordinance w 14 <br />