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18937 <br />~_4} Before any net proceeds from. the sale of the <br />vehicle are paid to the Lane County Treasurer as provided <br />in subsection ~2} of ORS $7.20.4, they shall be deposited <br />with municipal court to satisfy any unpaid bail and fines <br />for parking offenses ,involving the said vehicle. Any amount <br />remaining thereafter shall then be paid by the city to Lane <br />County Treasurer. At the time the net proceeds are deposited <br />with the municipal court, the lien claimant shall also de- <br />liver to municipal court the documents required by subsection <br />~2} of DRS $7.206. <br />5.995 Penalt%es ~- General. Except as provided in section <br />5.990, violation of any section of this chapter is <br />punishable by fine not to exceed $50.04. <br />Section 6. This Ordinance concerns the public health, welfare <br />and safety and therefore, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, <br />and this Ordinance shall become effective in~ediately upon its <br />passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />Passed by the City Council this <br />8th day of March, 1982 <br />City Recorde <br />~pp.roved by the N~ayor this <br />8th day of March, 1982 <br />Mayo <br />Ordinance - 15. <br />