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ISg89 <br />1. Restaurants, excluding drive-ins and <br />those restaurants which sell a substantial amount <br />of goods for consumption off the premises, and <br />which. sell prepared foods and drinks for consump- <br />tion on the premises; <br />2. hanks, credit unions, trust companies, <br />and savings and loan institutions engaged in the <br />business of accept~,ng deposits from the public <br />and extending credit by means of loans or invest- <br />ments. <br />9.445 I-l District - General provisions. <br />~.1} In addition to applicable previsions contained <br />elsewhere in the zoning ordinance, the following general pro- <br />visions apply in the I-1 district. In the event of a conflict, <br />the provisions of this section apply. <br />~.2} Landsca in The fol~.owing restrictions shall <br />apply to all buildings and uses: <br />~.a} Required yards, berms, and screening shall <br />provide a parklike character for the property. <br />fib} At least 2a percent of the portion of the <br />site to be developed sha~.l be landscaped with living <br />plant materials. A larger percentage may be required <br />if necessary to make positive findings for site review <br />approval. <br />Vic} vegetation shall not infringe on the solar <br />access required in section 9.534 ~3} ~.c} , <br />C_d} D'nused portions of otherwise developed prop- <br />erty shall be maintained ~,n an uncluttered, dust free, <br />and attractive manner. <br />fie} .All plant z~ateria~, shall be maintained by a <br />permanent irrigation system, <br />~f} If required landscaping cannot be completed <br />prior to occupancy, the approving authority may re- <br />quire the applicant to post a performance bond in an <br />amount sufficient tv assure rapid completion. <br />C.3} Under~round_,u.tilities. Unless waived by the city, <br />the developer shall locate underground all on-site utilities. <br />~4} Industrial ark sate review a roval rocedure. <br />Industrial parks benefit from a coordinated and compatible en- <br />vironment as can be achieved through site review approval. <br />Therefore, the site review procedures as set forth in sections <br />9.686 to 9.694, shall apply, subject to the fallowing modifica- <br />tions: <br />~.a} Industrial_ p,a,rk des,i,~n_,team. Development <br />plans submitted as part of an industrial park site re- <br />view approval shall be prepared by a design team com- <br />prised of a project architect, engineer, and landscape <br />architect who are licensed in the state of Oregon, one <br />of whom shall serve as coordinator, fine or more members <br />Grdinance -~ 8 <br />