<br />{ ,f
<br />AN O~iDINAtICE IEVYING ASSESSMENTS FOR sanitary sewer to serve Wil~a~enzie Island Annexatifon
<br />area ~8, ~A-Z X78-11~. gene-ally including Bar-M Subdivision and property along Willakenzie
<br />Road, Best ~.ane, Van Avenue, Bogart lane, Bailey Lane, Randall Street and Satre Street
<br />in the City of Eugene, lane County, Oregon.
<br />The City Council of the City of Eugene did by Resolution No, 3439 ,adopted November 8, ,
<br />l~.$Q_., determine to construct sanitary seurers to serve ~Jillakenzie Island Annexation Area
<br />~8, (A-Z n78-11~ generally including Bar-P~1 Subdivision and property along Willakenzie
<br />Road, Best Lane, Van Avenue, Bogart Lane, Bailey lane, Randal] Street and Satre Street
<br />The City Council authorized the execution of a contract for the construction of the local
<br />improvements an December 8 , 19 $a ;
<br />The local improvements have been constructed in accordance with the contract and applicable
<br />provisions of the Eugene City Code and the cost thereof and amount to be assessed havA been ascertained to be:
<br />item 1, Cash Payments to Contractor -Contract # 80-66 $ 326,084.33
<br />Contract # ~~~ 8,4$4, $1
<br />Item 2. Nraintenance Retainage
<br />Item 3. Other Costs (Describe} EWER RelaCatiOn 1,326.23
<br />Item 4. Deferred Assessments (Type} ~6~ $411.0]
<br />Item 5. Amount of Remaining Warrants 1`ss~ed t~~om6p~e~eContract
<br />Item 6. Total Amount for~Contract
<br />Item 7. less -City's Share of Cost for Completed Contract ~ ~ ,
<br />It:Em 8. P1 us - .
<br />b~, DUETT~~WARRRfdT REDEP~~aT~aOt~d~UND~efor Li uidated lama s
<br />g ge
<br />~ 332,865.37
<br />-~,o38.oa
<br />1,800.00
<br />Item 9. Amount to Which l8~ City Charges are Applied 327,627.37
<br />Item l0. Plus -Unpaid Balance of City's Share .(See Item 24 Below) 1,03$.0Q
<br />Item 11. less -liquidated Damages -1,$00.00
<br />Item 12. less -Other Casts (Describe) (See Item 3 above -1,326.23
<br />Item 13. Plus -Overpayment to Contractor by Warrant
<br />Item 14. ASSESSMENT WORK IN PROCESS 331,839,14
<br />Item 15. Plus -Overpayment to Contractor in Cash
<br />Item 16. Plus - lO~ City Charge for Engineering (1O~ of Item 9) 32,762.74
<br /> Plus - 8~ City Charge for Warrant Interest, Postage,
<br /> Advertising, and Other (8~ of Item 9) ~~ .1
<br /> TOTAL CITY CHARGE ~ 88,972, 93
<br />item 17. Plus -DUE TO SEWER UTILITY far 1/2¢ SPECIAL SEWER LEVY 2 2,017.1 9
<br />Item 18. Plus -DUE TO SEWER UTILITY for lateral Sewer
<br /> Equivalent of Trunk Sewer System
<br />Item 19. Plus -DUE TO WARRANT REDEMPTION FUND far Engineering
<br />' 7 0 3
<br />80
<br /> Charges on City
<br />s Share of Costs .
<br />Item 20. Plus -Other Costs {Describe) Due to ,Sealer Uti 1 i ty Fund for
<br /> recovery of pr~ar expenditure 1 326 23
<br />Item 2l. plus -liquidated Damages
<br /> 1, 800.00
<br />Ite~t 22, Less -DUE FROM CONTRAC76R far Overpayment
<br />Item 23. ASSESSMENT RECEIVABLE -Total Assessments per Ordinance S 416,389.28
<br />Item 24. C3__ ty's Share of Cos
<br />t
<br />far Completed Contract:
<br /> „
<br />,
<br />Account 10°0 ~ Construction Amount Paid on
<br />Monthly
<br /> No. En Casts Estimates TOTAL
<br /> 531-9332-61139-90145 743.80 7,038.00 1,741.80
<br />Ordinance - 1 P.W.ENuR.nDM Q7O 2~8E
<br />