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.` <br />ORDINANCE N0. <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNI~~G THE DOW~dTaWN COMMISSION; <br />A~!IENDING SECTIONS 2.1,55, 2.157, 3.744, AND 3.715 <br />DF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECT- <br />2VE DATE. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Subsections ~l} and ~2} of Section 2.155 of the <br />Eugene Code, 1971, are hereby amended to read and provide: <br />2.155 Downtown Commission - Membership; Term; Vacancies. <br />~l} The commission shall consist of nine voting mem- <br />bers to be interviewed and appointed by the council, and two <br />ex officio nonvoting members, the city manager or his/her <br />designee and the executive director, to be appointed by the <br />city manager. <br />{2~ Voting members of the commission shall hold <br />office for four years, except for initial members, two of <br />whom shall have terms of four years; three for three years; <br />three far two years; and one for one year, to be determined <br />by the council at the time of appointment. The ex officio <br />members shall hold office at the pleasure of the city <br />manager. <br />Section 2. Section 2.157 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is hereby <br />amended to read and provide: <br />2.157 Downtown Commission - Lnterests of Members. At least <br />six voting members of the commission shall be employed, <br />employ others, own property, manage a business, maintain a pri- <br />mary residence, or otherwise have a direct, pecuniary interest <br />within the downtown boundary as described in section 2.154~1~. <br />Section 3. <br />Subsection ~6} of Section 3.740 of the Eugene <br />Code, 1971, is hereby amended to read and provide: <br />3.?04 Downtown Develo ment District Tax -- Levy. <br />~6~ Any person aggrieved by being erroneously classi- <br />fied in his opinion as a professional or nonprofessional for <br />purposes of the tax imposed by this section may request the <br />city manager to review the classification. Within 15 days <br />after receiving the request, the city manager or his designee, <br />after affording the person an opportunity to be heard with <br />reference to his grievance, and after consulting with the <br />Ordinance - l <br />