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Rooi <br />finance officer and the Downtown Commission, shall determine <br />how the person shall be classified for purposes of the tax, <br />Such determination shall be final, <br />Section 4. Subsection ~1} of Section 3.715 of the Eugene Code, <br />1971, is hereby amended to read and provide: <br />3,715 Downtown Development District Tax - Administration. <br />~1~ The director of the department of finance shall <br />administer the tax imposed by section 3.?QH of this code. He <br />may do so .in accordance with rules and regulations he promul- <br />gates consistently with the code. The rules and regulations <br />shall include such provisions as are necessary or expedient <br />for eliciting information needed to administer the tax, induc- <br />ing prompt and full payment of the tax, preventing fraud or <br />evasion related to the tax, affording subjects of the tax <br />ample notice of their obligations regarding the tax, resoly- <br />ing administratively whatever controversies arise .in adminis- <br />tration of the tax, and imposing sanctions conducive to com- <br />pliance with the rules and regulations. All such rules and <br />regulations he shall promulgate in writing and make available <br />to the public, after having first reviewed them with the <br />Downtown Commission. <br />Section 5. The Downtown Commission created by Ordinance ~~o. <br />1H969 will become operative on August 1, 1982 and therefore,. it <br />is necessary that the provisions contained herein become effective <br />on the same date, and an emergency is hereby declared to exist,. <br />and this Ordinance shall became effective on August 1, 198, <br />Passed by the City Council this Approved by the ~~ayor this <br />Ada of July, 1982 y o~ July, 1982.. <br />`~~~ <br />City Recorder Mayor <br />Ordinance - 2, <br />