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S~W6 <br />the pravisions of this code and shall perform the fallowing <br />duties: <br />~a} Require submission of, examine and check <br />plans and specifications, drawings, descriptions, <br />and/or diagrams necessary to show clearly the char- <br />acter, kind and extent of work covered by applica- <br />tions for a permit and, upon approval thereof, shall <br />. issue the permit app~.ied for. <br />fib} Administer and enforce the pravisions of <br />this code in a manner consistent with its intent and <br />inspect all plumbing and drainage work authorized by <br />any permit to assure compliance with provisions of <br />this code, approving or condemning inspected work in <br />whole or in part as Conditions require. <br />~.o} Issue a Certificate of Approval when re- <br />quested for any work approved. <br />~d} Condemn and reject all work done or being <br />done, or materials used or being used, which do not <br />in all respects comply with the provisions of this <br />code . <br />[e} Order changes in workmanship and/or mater- <br />ials essential to obtain camp~,iance with all provi- <br />sions of this code. <br />~.f} investigate any construction ar work regu-~ <br />lated by this code and .issue the notices and orders <br />as provided in section 8.562. <br />fig} Keep a comp~.ete record o~ all the essen- <br />tial transactions of his office. <br />8.561 R" fight of ~ntr~~ whenever necessary to make an inspec- <br />tion to enforce any of the provisions of th~,s code, or <br />whenever the administrative authority or his authorized repre- <br />sentative has reasonable cause to believe that there exists, <br />in any building or upon ar~y premises, any condition which makes <br />the building or premises unsafe as defined in this code, the <br />administrative authority or his authorized representative may <br />enter the building' or premises at all reasonable times to in- <br />spect the same or to perfor~ri any duty imposed upon the adminis- <br />trative authority by this code. <br />8.562 Dangerous and 2nsanitary Construction. <br />~l} Any portion of a plumb%ng system found by the ad- <br />ministrative authority to be insanitary as defined herein is <br />hereby declared to be a nuisance. . <br />~2} whenever brought to the city's attention that any <br />insanitary conditions exist or that any construction or work <br />regulated by this cede is dangerous, unsafe, insanitary, a <br />nuisance or a menace to life, health ox' property or otherwise <br />in violation of this code, the city may request an investigation <br />by the administrative authority who, upon determining such in- <br />formation to be fact, shall order any person, firm or corpora- <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />