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18'F'~6 <br />tian using or maintaining the condition or responsible for the <br />use ar maintenance thereof to discontinue the use or maintenance <br />thereof or to repair, alter, change, remove or demolish the same <br />as he may consider necessary for~the proper protection of life, <br />health or property. In the case of any gas piping or gas appli- <br />ance, the administrative authority may order any person, firm ar <br />corporation supp~.ying gas to the piping ox appliance to discon- <br />tinue supplying gas thereto until the piping or appliance is <br />made safe to life, health or property. <br />Every such order shall be in writing, addressed to the own- <br />er, agent or person responsible for the premises in which the <br />condition exists and shall specify the date or time for its com- <br />pliance. <br />~:3~ Refusal, faa,~,ure or neg~,ect to comply with any <br />notice or order shs,11, be considered a violation of .this code. <br />~4} when any plumbing system is maintained in violation <br />of this code and in violation of any notice issued pursuant to <br />the provisions of this section, or where a nuisance exists in <br />any building or on a lot an which a building is situated, the <br />administrative authority shall institute any appropriate action <br />or proceeding in any court of competent jurisdiction to prevent, <br />restrain, correct or abate the violation or nuisance. <br />5.563 hermit Conditions. <br />X17 The issuance or granting of a permit, ar the approval <br />of plans and specif icativns, shall not be deemed or construed to <br />be a permit far, or an approval of , any violation of any. of the <br />provisions of this code. No permit presuming to give authority <br />to violate or cancel the provisions of this code shall be valid, <br />except insofar as the work yr use which it authorized is lawful. <br />~Z} The issuance or granting of a permit, or the <br />approval of plans, shall not prevent the administrative auth- <br />ority from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in the <br />plans and specifications, :from preventing construction opera- <br />tions which vir~late this code or any other provision of law from <br />being carried on thereunder ar from revoking any certificate of <br />approval issued in error. <br />~.3~ Every permit issued by the administrative authority <br />under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and <br />became null and void if the wank authorized by the permit is not <br />commenced within one hundred twenty ~.124~ days from date of the <br />permit, ox, if the work authorized by the permit is suspended <br />ar abandoned for a period of 12~ days at any time after the work <br />is commenced. Before work can be recommenced a new permit shall <br />be obtained, and the fee for the rep~,acement permit shall be one- <br />half of the amount required for a new permit for the work; pro- <br />vided no changes have been made or will be made in the original <br />plans and specifications for the work; and provided, further, <br />that the suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one ~l~ <br />year. <br />8.564 Permit Rer~uired. <br />~l~ It shah. be unlawful for any person to install, <br />remove, alter, repair, ox replaces ox cause to be installed, re- <br />Ordinance -~ 3 <br />