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isw~, <br />8.090 Inspections - New Work. The electrical inspector shall <br />be notified by the person doing the work before any <br />electrical installation is concealed, and for a final inspec- <br />tion upon completion of any electrical ,installation. The elec- <br />trical inspector shall inspect the same after receipt of <br />notice and, if the work conforms in all respects to the provi- <br />sions of this chapter, he shall attach a notice of approval. No <br />electrical wiring shall be cQVered or concealed until 48 hours <br />have expired after notice to inspect has been received ar until <br />the inspector has given approval, whichever is earlier. Should <br />the inspector find that the electrical installation is not in <br />accordance with the provisions of this code, he shall give notice <br />in writing to the person engaged in the work, within 15 days <br />after notification or within such further reasonable time as may <br />upon request be prescribed, the e~.ectrical installation shall be <br />altered or removed as the case may requ~,re, and necessary changes <br />shah be made so that the electrical installation shall fully <br />comply with the provisions of this code. <br />Section 5. Section 8.095 of the Eugene Cade, 1971, is hereby <br />amended to provide: <br />8.095 Inspections - ~einspection of Exista~ng Installations. <br />The electrical inspector is hereby empowered to rein- <br />spect all electrical installations coming within the scope of <br />this code. When any electrical installation is found to be dan- <br />gerous ar unsafe, the person owning, using or operating the same <br />shall be notified and shall make the necessary repairs or changes <br />required to place the electrical insta~.lation in a safe condi- <br />tion; such work to be completed within 15 days after natif ication <br />or within such further reasonable time as may upon request be <br />prescribed. <br />Section 6. Section 8.105 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is hereby <br />amended to provide: <br />5.105 Final Ins ection and A rova~, of Service. <br />{.1~ The electrical contractor performing an electrical <br />installation shall notify the electrical ~.nspector of its com- <br />pletion and request a final inspection before the installation <br />is put into permanent service and prior to occupancy of the <br />building in accordance with section 306 of the Structural Spe- <br />cialty Code. Should the electrical installation be disapproved, <br />the building shall not be occupied and~the electrical inspector <br />may order the electrical service disconnected in accordance <br />with section $.100. <br />{2~ The electrical inspector shall, at the time of <br />final inspection or approval of e~.ectrical service when the <br />electrical installation is completed and found to comply with <br />this code, install a label upon the electrical service panel <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />