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ORD ZNANCE NO . 18H~t 9 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE SWIMMING PQOL CODE; <br />AMENDING SECTIONS 8.$95, 8.944 AND 8.945 OF THE <br />EUGENE CODE, 1971; AND DECZARING AN EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FpI,LOWS: <br />Section 1. Section 8,895 of the Eugene Codes 1971, is hereby <br />amended to provide: <br />8.895 Uniform Swi~mmin Pool Code - Ado ted. Chapters I through <br />Iv of the. 1976 Edition of the Uniform Swimming Pool Code, <br />as~published and copyrighted~in 1976 by the International Asso- <br />ciation of Plumbing and Mechanical Offica.als, three copies of <br />which are on file in the office of the finance officer, are here- <br />by adopted and by this reference are hereby made a part of the <br />Eugene Cade, 19 7 ~.. <br />Section 2. Section 8.944 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is hereby <br />amended to provide: <br />8.944 Swimming Pools - Huild%ng Permit. No swimming pool shall <br />be constructed without first obtaining a permit. No <br />permit shall be issued until the plans filed with the building <br />official's office show full compliance with this chapter. No <br />pool shall be used until a final ,inspection has been made by the <br />building official or his designee and until after construction <br />has been completed in accordance with this chapter. <br />Section 3. Section $.945 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is hereby <br />amended to provide: <br />8.945 Swinging Pools -- Fences or Walls. <br />~1~ Every person ~,n possession of land within a resi- <br />dential district, either as owner, purchaser under contract, <br />lessee, tenant or licensee, upon which is situated a swimming <br />pool or other outside body of water designed or used for swim- <br />ming, dipping or immersion purposes of a depth of more than lS <br />inches, shall maintain an enclosure on the lot and completely <br />surrounding the pool or other body of water. The enclosure <br />shall consist of a fence which, if constructed with woven wire, <br />shall be of a pattern and type and, if of wood, to be <br />built of a vertical member type, such as to discourage children <br />from climbing over. The enclosure must be acceptable to the <br />building official or his designee. The enc~,osure may also con- <br />sist of a wall not less than four feet in height above the <br />underlying ground or base. All enclosures must be incapable <br />Ordinance ~- 1 <br />