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ISH~9 <br />of being crawled under, and suff ic~,ent to make the body o~ <br />water inaccessible to small children, with openings, holes <br />or gaps therein no larger than four inches i~n any dimension <br />except for doors or gates. In the e~rent a picket fence is <br />used, the openings between the pickets shall not exceed four <br />inches. in widths provided, that a dwelling house or accessory <br />building may be used as a part of an enclosure. <br />~~~ ill gates or doors opening through such enclosure <br />shall be equipped with a self-closing and self--latching device <br />installed at least 40 inches above the ground or base, capable <br />of keeping such door or gate secure~.y closed at all times when <br />not in actual use;. provided, however, that the door of any <br />occupied dwelling forming ar~y part of the enclosure hereinabove <br />required need not be so~eq~,ipped. <br />Section 4. That the provisions contained herein affect the <br />public welfare and safety and therefore, an emergency is hereby de- <br />clared to exist, and this ordinance shall became effective immed~.- <br />ately upon its passage by the C~.ty Counc.i~. and approval by the Mayor. <br />Passed by the City Council this <br />_~ day o f 1- tt "'~ 19 7 9 <br />~~ <br />i <br />City Recorde <br />Approved by the Mayor this <br />ISL. day of ~~ 1979 <br />Mayor <br />Ordinance 2. <br />