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' A/Z 79-2 <br />~ 18H51 ~ <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />~~-03-07~ ~zo~ <br />tract of 1 and i n the Northeast ~ of Section 17 ~7}, Township 17 South, <br />range 3~ West of Wi11 amette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon; bei ng a part of the <br />.-~'~.B. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 40 of said township; particularly <br />€Qscribed as follows: Beginning at a point on .the South 1 ine of said <br />~_'anation Land Claim No. 40 which bears S S9°32'15"E. a distance of 1185.36 <br />~eet fram the Southwest corner of said ~Danat~ian Land Claim No. 40, and . <br />,~~h i ch beginning. point. is .also the Southwest corner of that tract of ]and <br />~:onveyed to grantees herein i n a deed recorded on Reel, 185, Filing No. 54319; <br />~~hence N o0 °38' E. for a di stance of 314.06 feet to the Northwest corner <br />whereof,; thence N S~ 32' 15"W. for a di stance of 385.36 feet, more or 1 ess, <br />uo the East 1 ine of that certain tract conveyed by the grantors herein to <br />,hart es E. Jacobson, Trustee, in~ a deed dated February 24, 1970, and <br />~~ecorded on Reel 553, C1 erk's filing No. 68092., ,Lane County Oregon Deed <br />records; thence S00°53' S0"W. far a. distance of 314.06 feet along said East <br />~~ i ne to a pai nt on the South 1 i ne of said Stevens Donation Land C1 aim Pdo . 40 <br />- ~ .:hat bears SS9 ~~2'15"East a distance of 800.0 feet from the Southwest <br />orner of said Donation Land Claim No. 40; thence S 89°32'1,5"E. fora <br />.~ stance of 385.36 feet to ~ the point a f begi nni ng, i n Lane Co unty, Oregon. <br />~ 7-.0.3~~.7 15Q0 <br />r~~ S0: Begin at a point 17.98 chaff ns East of Northwest corner of C1 aim #40 <br />n Section 8, Township 17 . South, Range 3 Wes t, Willamette Meridian; run <br />~~.hence South 80.00. chains to South 1 i ne of s~ai d - C1 aim #40; thence <br />. east 22.16 chains to Southeast corner of said Claim #40; thence North 31.88 <br />~,:~~a i ns thence N88°W. 20.08 chains thence North 47.85 chains to ,North 1 i ne <br />~~~ f sa i d C1 aTm #40; West 2, 09 chains to begi ng. <br />except: Tax Lot 5-1 to ~ Section 8 i n Sections 8 & 17, Township 17 South, <br /> 3 West, Wi 11 amette Meridian, containing ~49.~44. <br />except: 1 ~. 20 acres to Serial .7417. <br />. ~:xcept: Tax Lot 5-2 in Section 8, Township ]7 South, Range 3 West, <br />~:~i~11 amette Meridian, containing 3.21 acres more or 1 ess; by deed 1441 ~ . <br />'except: Tax Lot 5-3 containing 3.28 acres byDeed 31821, Reel 110. <br />:`',orrection .i n acreage, when Tax Lot 5-2 was taken out too much acreage . <br />. .~~as taken out, therefore 0.21 acre included here from~Tax Lot 5-2. <br />;_ess: 0.29 acre, County Road #301. <br />