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~ -g~si ~ <br />17-0 3=17 1500 <br />.ALSO: Be i nni n at a poi nt N 00' 1 ~` ~. 132.87 feet from a poi nt on the South <br />9 .g <br />1 i ne of the A. B. Stevens DLC No. 40, Townshi p,17 South, Range 3 Wes t, Wi 11 a- <br />mette Meridian which is 5 89°52'40"E. 1185.36 feet from the SW corner of . <br />said rlaim and run thence N00°l2'E. 387.83 feet thence 5 89°54'40"E. <br />368.87 feet ara11 e1 with the south 1 i ne of said c1 ai m, thence S00 °12' W. <br />P <br />427.32 feet to the Southerly bank ~f a certain creek, thence along said <br />bank N4~ 5o'W. 146.70 feet thence S82°21'W. 62.30 feet thence N69°11'W. <br />169.50 feet thence S39°47'W. 106.59 feet to the point of beginning in Lane <br />. Count Ore on containing 3.00 acres, total acres more or 1 ess . <br />Y g <br />• Tax Lot 1501 contai ni n 3.01 acres er R1 8 5/ 54 31 8 ~196Z} . <br />Except. g p . <br />Exce t:. Tax Lot 1502 conta~nin Z.71 acres per R 185/54319, X1962}, <br />p g <br />• 1.39 acres to Lane Count far road er R227f 26236 ~ 1954 } , <br />Except.. y p <br />Exce t: 4.40 acres to Tax Lot 1503 per F. T.L. P.O. X1964} <br />p <br />17~03~ 17~ ~~ ~ 501 <br />ALSO: Beginning at a point ] 185.36 fee t c S9°32' 15"E. and 314.06 <br />feet N00°38' E. of the SW corner of the A. B. Stevens DLC #40, Township 17 <br />South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, run thence N00°38'E. 263,96 feet; <br />thence S89°.20'10"E. 420.23 feet; thence S00°38'W. X95,04 feet; thence <br />N89°ZO'10"W.50.94 feet; thence S 00°38'W. 68.69 feet to the ,centerline <br />of a slou h; thence a1 on said centerline N57a07'W. 95..55. feet; ~ thence <br />g 9 <br />S70°50`30"W. 124.78 feet; ,thence P~36°14'30"W. 94.00, feet; thence N81°24'~~. <br />115.78 feet to the point of beginning in Lane County Oregon. <br />xce t: ~ 0.27 acres to Lane Count for road er R227~26236 X1964} . <br />E. p Y p <br />Exce t: 0. Z3 acres to Tai Lot 1505 by R437J 65430 i n 1969. . <br />p . <br />ALSO: A tract of land in the Northwest ~. of Section 17, Township 17 South, <br />Ran e 3 west of the Wi 1 ~ amette Merl than i n Lane County Oregon, being a <br />g <br />art of the A,B, Stevens DLC No. 40 of said Township; parti cut arly <br />p <br />described as follows: Be innin at a point on the South line of said <br />g g <br />DLC No. 40 which bears South S9°32'15"East for a distance of 7185.36 <br />feet from the southwest corner of said DLC No. 40; thence Nart~~ 0°38' East <br />far a di s tance of 440.72 feet to the true point of begi nni ng; thence <br />-2- <br />