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any land inside or outside the acknowledged urban growth boundary. Therefore, Goal 3 <br />is not relevant and the resolution does not affect the area’s compliance with Statewide <br />Planning Goal 3. <br /> <br />Goal 4 - Forest Land: To conserve forest lands by maintaining the forest land base and <br />to protect the state’s forest economy. <br /> <br />Goal 4 is not applicable to this resolution as the PROS Comprehensive Plan does not <br />affect any forest plan designation. The PROS Comprehensive Plan identifies the park <br />and recreational needs of City residents and sets forth strategies for meeting the <br />identified needs. The PROS Comprehensive Plan does not acquire, rezone or regulate <br />any land inside or outside the acknowledged urban growth boundary. Therefore, Goal 4 <br />is not relevant and the resolution does not affect the area’s compliance with Statewide <br />Planning Goal 4. <br /> <br />Goal 5 - Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources: To protect <br />natural resources and conserve scenic and historical areas and open spaces. <br /> <br />The adoption of this resolution does not create or amend the City’s list of Goal 5 <br />resources, does not amend a code provision adopted in order to protect a significant <br />Goal 5 resource or to address specific requirements of Goal 5, does not allow new uses <br />that could be conflicting with a Goal 5 resource and does not amend the acknowledged <br />UGB. Therefore, Goal 5 does not apply. <br /> <br />Goal 6 - Air, Water and Land Resources Quality: To maintain and improve the quality of <br />the air, water, and land resources of the state. <br /> <br />Goal 6 addresses waste and process discharges from development, and is aimed at <br />protecting air, water and land from impacts from those discharges. Adoption of this <br />resolution does not affect the City’s compliance with Goal 6. <br /> <br />Goal 7 - Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards: To protect people and <br />property from natural hazards. <br /> <br />Goal 7 requires that local government planning programs include provisions to protect <br />people and property from natural hazards such as land slides. This resolution does not <br />affect the City’s restrictions on development in areas subject to natural disasters and <br />hazards. Further, this resolution does not allow for new development that could result in <br />a natural hazards. Therefore, Goal 7 does not apply. <br /> <br />Goal 8 - Recreational Needs: To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the <br />state and visitors and, where appropriate, to provide for the siting of necessary <br />recreational facilities including destination resorts. <br /> <br />Goal 8 ensures provision of recreation facilities to Oregon citizens and is primarily <br />concerned with the provision of those facilities in non-urban areas of the state. <br /> <br />Exhibit A to Resolution No. 4858 3 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />