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ORDINANCE NO. [~~aq <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING RATES ~oR GARBAGE SERVICES; <br />AMENDING SECTION 3.250 OF THE E~'GENE CODE, 1971; <br />REPEALING RE5OLUTTON No. .8140; AND DECLARING AN <br />EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Section 3.250 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is hereby <br />amended to read and provide: <br />3.250 Garba e Hauling - Schedule of Charges. The charges <br />to be enacted by licensees shall conform to the latest <br />schedule on file with the finance officer which shall be estab- <br />lished by an ordinance adopted by the council and approved by <br />the mayor. <br />Section 2. Based upon the recommendations of the Eugene Garbage <br />Board and the hearing before this Council, Resolution No. 3140 adopt- <br />ed by the City Council on May 14, 1979 is hereby repealed, as of mid- <br />night, May 31, 19$O,~and the rates for garbage services within the <br />City of Eugene shall be as established herein, effective as of rune <br />1, 1980. <br />Section 3. The monthly charge for residential and commercial <br />removal of garbage from .32-gallon cans in the City is as follows: <br />~1} Outside a Mobile Home Park: <br />~a~ Fox a single 32-gallon can, once <br />a week -~~----~~-_:~_~,___..,.___________..___$ 4.50 <br />fib} For each additional 32-gallon can, <br />once a week, 60-percent of a <br />single can monthly rate ------~--------~- 2.70 <br />~c ~ For a single 3 ~ ~-gallon can , once a <br />month, 55-~pexcent of a single--can <br />monthly rate _____.~__________.~______~._ 2.50 <br />~d~ ~~`or removal down or upstairs , through <br />a narrow corridor, or from an attic, <br />baser~ent, or other place posing ex- <br />traordinary difficulty a surcharge <br />of not more than 50-percent of the <br />applicable charge listed above, un- <br />ordinance - 1 <br />