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Item 2F: Ratification of Intergovernmental Relations Committee Minutes
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2009
CC Agenda - 05/26/09 Meeting
Item 2F: Ratification of Intergovernmental Relations Committee Minutes
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City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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ATTACHMENT A <br />M I N U T E S <br />Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations <br />McNutt Room—Eugene City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street—Eugene, Oregon <br />April 15, 2009 <br />1:15 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Betty Taylor, Chair; Andrea Ortiz, George Poling, members; Mayor Kitty Piercy; Brenda <br />Wilson, Jessica Mumme, Richie Weinman, Kevin Finney, Tom Larsen, Steve Nystrom, <br />Lauren Sommers, staff. <br />1.Call to Order and Review Agenda <br />Ms. Taylor called the meeting of the CCIGR to order at 1:38 p.m. <br />Ms. Taylor recognized that discussions of HB 2865 and SB942 would be placed on the agenda at the <br />request of Ms. Wilson. <br />2.Approval of Minutes (2/25/09 and 3/4/09) <br />Mr. Poling, seconded by Ms. Ortiz, moved to approve the minutes of the February <br />25 and March 4, 2009 CCIGR meetings. The motion passed unanimously. <br />3.Review Pending Legislation <br />HB 3054 - Relating to regional land use planning commissions; declaring an emergency. <br />Ms. Wilson provided a brief description of HB 3054 to the committee members and noted that staff was <br />currently recommending a monitor position regarding the bill. <br />Ms. Taylor suggested that the committee should adopt an oppose position to the bill. <br />Mr. Nystrom commented that the intent of HB was to provide a system of state government that was <br />more responsive to local needs and that the bill essentially added another layer of state government with <br />regard to the processes involved in land use planning commissions. <br />Mr. Nystrom further noted that it was unknown how passage of the bill might affect city processes such <br />the Metro Plan or if it was even possible for the state to implement five regional land use planning <br />commissions as specified in the bill. <br />Mr. Nystrom, responding to Ms. Taylor’s suggestion, noted that it seemed premature to formally oppose <br />HB 3054 since it was uncertain how passage of the bill would directly affect Eugene. <br />Ms. Wilson commented that the bill in its current form and in the current legislative schedule was highly <br />MINUTES—Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations April 15, 2009 Page 1 <br />
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