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Item 2F: Ratification of Intergovernmental Relations Committee Minutes
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2009
CC Agenda - 05/26/09 Meeting
Item 2F: Ratification of Intergovernmental Relations Committee Minutes
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Last modified
6/9/2010 12:41:42 PM
Creation date
5/22/2009 11:17:23 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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unlikely to pass without stronger support. She noted that a formal opposition position might not be an <br />effective use of City resources. <br />Ms. Wilson noted that she would have more information on HB 3054 for the committee on April 28. <br />Mr. Poling commented that, based on Mr. Nystrom’s earlier comments, maintaining the staff <br />recommended monitor position was acceptable to him. Ms. Taylor and Ms. Ortiz concurred with Mr. <br />Poling’s statement. <br />HB 3223 - Relating to residential price controls. <br />Ms. Wilson provided a brief description of HB 3223 to the committee members and noted that staff was <br />currently recommending a Priority 2 support position regarding the bill. <br />Ms. Wilson noted that Mayor Piercy had recommended a higher level of priority support regarding HB <br />3223, but also noted that for her purposes there really wasn’t much difference between Priority 1 and <br />Priority 2. <br />The committee members agreed that the support for HB 3223 should continue at the Priority 2 level. <br />SB 902 - Relating to the application of pesticides near schools. <br />Ms. Wilson provided a brief description of SB 902 to the committee members and noted that staff was <br />currently recommending a neutral position regarding the bill. <br />Ms. Wilson commented that staff’s recommendation of a neutral position regarding the bill was based on <br />the fact that there were no applicable properties or organizations employing aerial pesticide spraying in <br />or near the City of Eugene. <br />Ms. Taylor commented that she would like the committee to adopt a support position regarding the bill <br />and felt that the aerial spraying issue warranted concern regardless of the locations involved. Ms. Piercy <br />agreed with Ms. Taylor’s statement. <br />Mr. Poling maintained that he supported the intent of SB but further commented that he did not want <br />City staff to spend an inordinate amount of time lobbying in support of the matter. <br />Ms. Wilson commented that the City of Eugene was currently actively lobbying over 500 bills in the <br />current legislative session and noted that a formal support position might not be an effective use of staff <br />resources. She further noted that she would be happy to draft a letter of support regarding the bill. <br />Ms. Wilson commented that the bill in its current form and in the current legislative schedule was <br />unlikely to pass. <br />Ms. Taylor, seconded by Ms. Ortiz, moved to adopt a Priority 3 support <br />position regarding SB 0902. The motion passed unanimously, 3:0. <br />HB 3248 - Relating to railroad grade crossings. <br />Ms. Wilson provided a brief description of HB 3248 to the committee members and noted that staff was <br />currently recommending a Priority 3 support position regarding the bill. <br />Ms. Wilson noted that while the HB 3248 had originated in response to issues that had arisen regarding <br />railroad crossings both in Portland and Corvallis, it was not expected to pass. <br />MINUTES—Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations April 15, 2009 Page 2 <br />
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