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Item 2F: Ratification of Intergovernmental Relations Committee Minutes
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2009
CC Agenda - 05/26/09 Meeting
Item 2F: Ratification of Intergovernmental Relations Committee Minutes
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6/9/2010 12:41:42 PM
Creation date
5/22/2009 11:17:23 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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Ms. Piercy noted that she had only flagged HB 3248 for discussion by the CCIGR because of the <br />significant number or railroad crossings in Eugene and wanted to make sure there would be no adverse <br />effects on the City should the bill ultimately pass. <br />Mr. Larsen commented that the prioritization of railroad crossing alterations was a minor change to <br />current laws and did address concerns about railroad crossings strongly enough to engender stronger <br />support for the bill. <br />Ms. Wilson commented that the intent of HB 3248 may run contrary to the federal railroad crossing <br />policies of the Federal Railroad Administration. <br />Ms. Piercy noted that it might be difficult to address any issues regarding the ten railroad crossing sites in <br />Eugene particularly with regard to the City’s established quiet zone policies. <br />Ms. Wilson stated that she would stay in close contact with representatives from both Portland and <br />Corvallis regarding the matter and report back to the committee with any new information. <br />Ms. Wilson, responding to a request for clarification from Ms. Ortiz, noted that ODOT had attempted to <br />close certain railroad crossings in Corvallis but ultimately been unsuccessful. <br />Mr. Larsen commented that all of the railroad crossings in the area were governed by a public utilities <br />commission working under a tri-party agreement between the railroad, the road authority and ODOT. <br />Ms. Piercy maintained that as a community, the citizens of Eugene would need to recognize that if they <br />wanted a quiet zone there would need to be some sort of move in the direction of railroad crossing <br />closings. <br />Ms. Taylor, noting no objections from the other committee members, confirmed that they would continue <br />under the staff recommended Priority 3 support position regarding HB 3248. <br />HB 2865 - Relating to system development charges (SDC). <br />Ms. Wilson provided a brief description of HB 2865 to the committee members and noted that staff was <br />currently recommending a Priority 2 oppose position regarding the bill. <br />Ms. Wilson reported that HB 2865 had been introduced into the current legislative session at the request <br />of the Oregon Homebuilders Association and noted that it would prohibit local governments from <br />collecting SDC’s until the time of issuance of a building permit or certificate of occupancy. She noted <br />that the bill would also limit parks and recreation SDC’s based on increases in their level of service. <br />Ms. Wilson noted that passage of HB 2865 would have a significant financial impact on the City of <br />Eugene because not all new connections to the City’s systems or intensifications to the system occur <br />when a permit was issued. She further noted that the bill would significantly impact the City’s ability to <br />collect parks and recreation SDC collections. <br />Mr. Poling maintained that while staff comments listed in the agenda item summary materials indicated <br />that the bill might have a negative financial impact upon the City of Eugene, the impact did not appear to <br />him to be significant. <br />MINUTES—Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations April 15, 2009 Page 3 <br />
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