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r86ss <br />Vic} Hearin, . The hearing by the hearings officer <br />shall be a contested case hearing and a determination of the <br />hearings officer shall be final. No applicant or his or her <br />agent who has been denied a final conversion permit for a condo- <br />minium or cooperative project may reapply for a permit for the <br />same within one year of the date of denial of the application for <br />final condominium conversion permit unless there exists a substan- <br />tial change in conditions which formed the basis of the permit <br />disapproval decision. <br />Section 6. Preliminary Permit Approval. In order to obtain <br />approval by the Director of an application for preliminary condo- <br />minium conversion per~it, the applicant must satisfy the following. <br />conditions: <br />~a} Housing Code Ins ection. Prior to the application <br />for preliminary condominium conversion permit the developer, at <br />his expense, shall request the City of Eugene Housing and Community <br />Conservation Department to inspect the building or buildings to <br />be converted for compliance with the housing code, Eugene Code, <br />l9?l, Sections S.2G5 through 8.35. The inspection shall be com- <br />pleted within 7 days of a developer's request unless the developer <br />fails to provide or refuses access to the housing code inspector. <br />A copy of the housing inspector's inspection report shall be pro- <br />vided by the developer to the Director as part of the application <br />far a preliminary permit for condominium conversion. <br />{b} Provision of an ~ En ineer/Architect' s Certificate. The <br />applicant shall supply to the Director a certified report from a <br />qualified licensed engineer or registered architect describing <br />the condition and expected useful life of all common elements in- <br />cluding the roof, foundation, external and supporting walls, <br />mechanical, electrical, plumbing, heating, all other major mech- <br />anical and utility systems, together with an estimate at current <br />market prices of repair or replacement costs for those items <br />requiring immediate major repair or eventual replacement. The <br />report shall separately list the condition and expected life of <br />all components of common elements and shall include the approxi- <br />mate dates of insta~,lation of the common elements and components <br />and the dates and description of major repairs or renovations of <br />the com~rton elements and components. The report shall identify <br />the sources used in the estimates of expected useful life. <br />~c} App~.~,cant ~ s Affidavit. The applicant shall supply an <br />affidavit of the applicant attesting to the truth of the following: <br />1. That the applicant has kept signed receipts from <br />all affected tenants certifying that each such tenant has <br />received copies of the notice~vf planned conversion and the <br />proposed tenant assistance program contract. The applicant <br />shall state in the affidavit that such receipts shall be <br />kept on file in this City by the de~reloper or his or her <br />agent subject to inspection by the Director or his designee <br />Ordinance -~ l4 <br />