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18655 <br />at any reasonable time for a period of three years from the <br />date the receipt is taken. For the purposes of this provision, <br />a refusal to accept notice of intent to convert or the <br />tenant assistance program contract shall constitute receipt <br />by any affected tenant. <br />2, That the informational brochure on condominium <br />conversion provided by the department of Housing and Com- <br />munity Conservation has been distributed to all tenants who <br />reside in the building proposed to be converted and that <br />sufficient brochures have been purchased by the developer <br />for distribution to prospective purchasers. <br />3 . That no evictions of affected tenants except for <br />good cause have occurred between the date of the notice of <br />planned conversion to the City and the date of the permit <br />application. <br />4. That no rent increase since the notice of planned <br />conversion for any affected tenant has occurred except in a <br />proportional amount equivalent to the rise in the All Items <br />Portland Consumer Price Index since the date of the last <br />rent increase .for the unit in which that tenant resides. <br />~.d~ provision of Informational Documents . The follow- <br />ing documents sha~.l be provided with the application for a prelimi- <br />nary permit for condominium conversion: <br />1. Information to State. All issued condominium <br />instruments. <br />~. Building History. A building history report <br />showing, if such information is reasi~nably available, the <br />date of construction of all cox~u~on elements and components <br />thereof of the building, a statement of the major uses of <br />such building since construction, the date and description <br />of each major repair of any con~on elements since the date <br />of construction, the date and description of each major <br />renovation of any element since the date of construction, <br />and the names and addresses of the current owners of all <br />improvements and the underlying land of the building proposed <br />to be converted. The definition of "majar repair" and <br />"majar renovation~T shall be set under administrative rules <br />issued hereunder. <br />3. Rental Histo~rr. A rental history report detail- <br />ing, if such .information is reasonably available, the size <br />and square footage of the units in each building, the current <br />or last rental rater the names and addresses o~ each present <br />and each affected tenant, the monthly rental rates for the <br />preceding three years for each un%t, the monthly vacancy <br />over the preceding three years, the number of evictions over <br />the preceding three years, the name o~ each special category <br />Ordinance - 15 <br />