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18655 <br />tenant presently residing in the project, and the number <br />and type of special category tenants over the preceding <br />three years. For any such information not reasonably avail- <br />able, the applicant shall state what steps were taken to <br />secure such information. <br />4. Tenant Survey. A survey of all affected tenants in <br />~,~~ <br />the conversion project indicating how long each tenant has <br />been a resident of the project, why each tenant moved into <br />the project, how long each tenant had planned to live in the <br />project, whether each tenant would be interested in purchasing <br />the unit, where each tenant would prefer to relocate if the <br />conversion took place and the tenant did not purchase a <br />unit, the extent of tenant approval and disapproval of the <br />conversion, and any other information deemed relevant by the <br />Director, To comply with this provision the applicant shall <br />provide a questionnaire in a form approved by the City to <br />each affected tenant with an envelope, postage prepaid, <br />addressed to the City Housing and Community Conservation <br />Department. The questionnaire shall direct the tenant to <br />return the coampleted fc~rrq, directly to the City Housing and <br />Community Conservation Department. <br />fie} Tenant Assistance Plan. Each appl~,cant for prelimi-~ <br />nary permit for condominium conversion shall prepare and supply <br />to .the City a Tenant Assistance Plan ~~'~P~. No TAP need be pre- <br />pared where all of the affected tenants have executed binding con- <br />tracts to purchase their units or shares or have permanently relo- <br />cated at the time of the preliminary permit application. The TAP <br />shall be formalized by a contract between the developer and the <br />City, the execution of which is a prerequisite to City preliminary <br />permit approval. Each TAP contract shall contain the following: <br />1. An obligation on the part o~ the developer to pay <br />moving expenses~to special category affected tenants. The <br />amount of moving expenses to be paid shall be set by admin- <br />istrative rules issued hereunder. Any such moving expense <br />reimbursement shall be paid no later than twenty-four ~24~ <br />hours prior to the date the apartment unit is to be vacated <br />by the tenants or subtenants if the developer has received <br />at least ten ~.1~~ days advance written notice of the date <br />upon which the apartment unit is to be vacated. If no such <br />notice has been received, the reimbursement shall be paid <br />within thirty X307 days after the rental apartment unit is <br />vacated.. <br />2. An agreement by the developer to contract with a <br />housing counselor approved by the City, to assist special <br />category tenants of the building to be converted in locating <br />housing and to act as the developer's sole agent in repre- <br />senting as comparable to special category tenants. <br />The City may withdraw its approval of the housing counselor <br />at any time.. The contract between a housing counselor and a <br />developer shall be subject to approval by the City. Such <br />contract sha~,l require the counselor to use his or her best <br />Qrdinance -- 16 <br />