<br />{_15 ~ Section ~ Q S ~ Ce,rtif ~,cate of Occupancy, is hereby
<br />amended by adding thereto subsections ~~~_. ~Stateament required,
<br />~g~ Certification ~of compliance, Chi RecQrds~ ~to ~b~e~ ~k~e~pt, ~i~
<br />Transfer of owner-ship , and ~j ~. ~e~no~a~~ ~o~~ ~noti~ce , to provide
<br />[f ~~ ~~taten~ent re u~r~ed. No permit shall be issued,
<br />the application for which does not contain, or is not
<br />accompanied by, a written statement signed by the appli-
<br />cant s~ecify~ng the use or occupancy for which the pro-
<br />posed structure or alteration is designed or intended to
<br />be used,
<br />~~~_ Ce.~tif,icat~,onβ of co~F.Hance. Upon request of
<br />the owner or other person, the build~,ng official shall
<br />issue in writing, ever his~her signature, a certificate
<br />of occupancy for any building or parcel of land certify-
<br />ing that a proposed use or occupancy does or does not
<br />conform to provisions of Chapter ~ of the Eugene Code,
<br />1971.
<br />~h~ Records to be kept. A record of all state-
<br />ments or certificates shall be kept on file in the
<br />office of the building official. A copy of the state-
<br />ment or certificate shall be issued upon request.
<br />~_i ~_ Transfer of ownership .
<br />1. Outstanding code violations. No owner
<br />of a building or premises or person in charge of
<br />property, upon whom any permit, notice, or order
<br />pursuant to this code has been given in connection
<br />with the property shall sell, transfer, or grant
<br />such property to another until compliance with the
<br />provisions of the permit, notice, or order has been
<br />secured; or until the owner or person in charge of
<br />property shall have furnished to the purchaser,
<br />transferee, ar grantee, prior to such sale, trans-
<br />fer, or grant, a true copy of the permit, notice,
<br />or order, and at the same time have given adequate
<br />notice to the building official of his/her intent
<br />to sell, transfer, or grant, and supplied the
<br />building official with the name and address of the
<br />persan~to whom the sale, transfer, or grant is
<br />proposed. A purchaser, transferee, or grantee
<br />wha has been informed of the existence of such a
<br />permit, notice, or order shall be bound thereby
<br />and shall secure a certificate of occupancy as
<br />provided in section 3Q8.
<br />2, Transfer of certificate of occupancy.
<br />The owner of every new building, structure, ar
<br />new use established in an existing building pur-
<br />suant to a change of occupancy inspection and re-
<br />~riew ox structural permit, and for which a certi-
<br />f irate of occupancy is requi~ced, shall not sell,
<br />transfer, or grant such property to another with-
<br />our furnishing and thereby transferring the cer-
<br />t~.fi,cate of occupancy to the purchaser, transferee,
<br />or grantee.
<br />Ordinance - l9
<br />