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Item A: Urban Renewal
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2009
CC Agenda - 07/08/09 Work Session
Item A: Urban Renewal
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Creation date
7/2/2009 1:48:36 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br /> Historical Analysis – <br />3.Councilor Brown requested a comprehensive study on the overall benefits of <br />the Downtown Urban Renewal District since its creation in 1968. Staff has started working with <br />him on this request. Over the past several years, the Urban Renewal Agency has made Downtown <br />District investments in public infrastructure, public facilities, and private building improvements. <br />Staff compiled examples of projects that received council approval for the use of urban renewal and <br />that could be used as a model for future uses of urban renewal (see Attachment C). <br /> <br /> Boundary information <br />4.– Councilor Zelenka inquired about the expansion possibilities of the <br />Downtown District, specifically in relation to the City Hall block. Urban renewal districts can be <br />expanded by a maximum of 20% of their original size. It should also be noted that a district <br />boundary cannot be reduced in one area in order to expand beyond the 20% limit in another area. <br />The Downtown District has never been expanded. It is possible to expand the Downtown District by <br />a total addition of 14 acres. To assist the Veterans Affairs clinic or complete the Park Blocks <br />improvements, two of the projects discussed on May 27, the Downtown District boundary would <br />need to be expanded to include those sites. The City Hall site is not included in either Urban <br />Renewal District. At the meeting on May 27, staff thought the Riverfront District might be expanded <br />to include City Hall; however, upon review, that district has previously been expanded to its <br />maximum area. The Downtown District would need to be expanded to take in the City Hall site if <br />there was a desire to use urban renewal funds to complete projects on this site. See attachment D for <br />a map of the Downtown District. Staff will provide a map that delineates expansion options for the <br />August 10 meeting. <br /> <br /> Veterans Affairs Clinic <br />5. – Veterans Affairs is currently seeking a site for a 90,000 square-foot clinic <br />in Eugene. The downtown area is high on its list of potential locations. The request for proposals <br />(RFP) has not been issued yet; however, they have stated they plan to select a site by September 1, <br />2009, for occupancy by December 30, 2012. The Eugene Clinic site, along with neighboring <br />th <br />buildings near 12 Avenue and Willamette/Olive streets, is less than one block from Lane Transit <br />District’s Eugene Station and could be an outstanding location in the heart of Eugene. PeaceHealth <br />owns the property and is expected to submit a proposal. Siting this facility in such a central location <br />promotes sustainable development but may require City/URA assistance to assemble land parcels or <br />assist with infrastructure, parking and other improvements. <br /> <br /> Potential Projects – <br />6.The council discussed potential urban renewal projects at the May 27 meeting. <br />Attachment F includes project specifics for two of the potential projects that were discussed: Park <br />Blocks improvements and local business assistance. This attachment is provided to serve as an <br />example of the type and scope of information that could be provided on each potential project. <br /> <br /> <br />Public Involvement Plan <br />The purpose of Eugene’s Urban Renewal public involvement plan is to ensure that residents, property <br />owners, businesses, and other interested parties have convenient opportunities to become fully informed <br />about the proposed projects and to provide input throughout the process. The draft public involvement <br />plan calls for several strategies which will be used to promote public involvement. Formal opportunities <br />will include a public hearing before the City Council. Information about the hearing will be distributed <br />via outreach at community events, the City website, paid media ads, neighborhood newsletters and press <br />releases. In addition, a public notice will be sent to all households to let them know about the proposed <br />changes, the public hearing, and availability of information on the City website. More informal <br />opportunities to share information and solicit comments will include at least two public forums in <br />August and September, and staff presence at Saturday and Farmers’ Markets in August and at the <br /> Z:\CMO\2009 Council Agendas\M090708\S090708A.doc <br /> <br />
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