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<br />While applying the practices to several City projects, it was determined that the draft BMP Manual <br />might be overly complex for the development community. It was determined that a better option <br />would be to forego Eugene’s Draft BMP Manual and, instead, to modify Portland’s Stormwater <br />Management Manual for use in Eugene. Portland’s manual was implemented in 1999 and had been <br />in use by other agencies in Oregon including Springfield, which adopted stormwater development <br />standards in October 2002 and references the Portland manual as an accepted approach to designing <br />water quality BMPs. <br /> <br />Staff reviewed and edited the Portland Stormwater Management Manual for accuracy and <br />consistency with Eugene’s regulatory structure and to reflect Eugene’s stormwater policy decisions <br />made to-date as well as the recommendation from the DAC. After internal review, Eugene’s Draft <br />Stormwater Management Manual was completed in April 2005. At the same time that staff prepared <br />the manual, staff drafted corresponding amendments to the City’s land use code. <br /> <br />On August 11, 2005, a Water Quality Implementation Department Advisory Committee, including <br />several members from the 1999 Stormwater DAC, was convened to review and provide input on the <br />proposed amendments to the land use code. The Water Quality DAC included representatives of <br />special interest groups (Chamber of Commerce and Lane County Home Builders Association), <br />representatives with technical expertise in architecture, engineering, site design, land use and the <br />environment, and a representative of neighborhoods. A full list of members from both of the DACs <br />is shown in Attachment C. <br /> <br />On October 10, 2005, the City Council reviewed and discussed the City’s new stormwater National <br />Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and other stormwater program <br />developments. A motion approved by the council directed the City Manager to develop a fiscal year <br />2007 budget which included funds for additional stormwater permit-related items, including the <br />implementation of stormwater development standards. <br /> <br />Presentations on the proposed stormwater development standards have been given to the Lane <br />County Home Builders Association with members of the Chamber of Commerce in attendance <br />(October 4, 2005), American Society of Landscape Architects (October 20, 2005), Friends of <br />Eugene (October 27, 2005), design engineers, surveyors, and developers (November 16, 2005), <br />Neighborhood Leaders Coalition (November 22, 2005), Santa Clara Neighborhood Association <br />(December 1, 2005), and at a public open house event (December 20, 2005). <br /> <br />A public hearing with the Planning Commission was held on January 10, 2006, followed by <br />deliberation on February 13, 2006. Three persons testified in general support of the standards. The <br />Planning Commission asked staff to re-evaluate the oil control applicability threshold and the <br />adjustment review section for source controls. Their preference was to eliminate additional <br />adjustment review applications and instead, move these exception criteria into the body of the <br />stormwater regulations. This approach is similar to those recently approved in the minor code <br />amendments. <br /> <br />The proposed amendments to the land use code included in this packet reflect feedback provided by <br />the Stormwater DAC, the Water Quality DAC, and the Planning Commission. <br /> <br /> <br />Proposed Ordinance and Implementation <br />The existing land use code addresses only stormwater destination (flood control). The proposed <br /> L:\CMO\2006 Council Agendas\M060313\S060313C.doc <br /> <br />