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process at the recommendation of legal counsel. A new word changes were made to Exhibit B that were <br />informally agreed to by those commissions. <br /> <br />Ms. Heinkel called the elected officials' attention to Exhibits A (Metro Plan Housekeeping Revisions, <br />Other Text Amendments), Exhibit B (Metropolitan Natural Resources Study), and Exhibit C (Metro Plan <br />Diagram Changes), which reflected the changes being proposed. She identified those work tasks that <br />would be the subject of the public hearing, and noted that Lane County would hold a public hearing <br />immediately after on its riparian regulations. <br /> <br />Ms. Wiederhold provided further detail regarding Exhibit B. She described the various elements of the <br />Natural Resources Study and noted the associated subtasks. She summarized the key amendments <br />proposed to Chapter III-C of the Metro Plan. <br /> <br />Mr. Yeiter provided further detail on the revisions to the Metro Plan Diagram. He noted that the LCOG <br />RLID system provided the mapping before the elected officials, and allowed the development of a more <br />detailed diagram. He briefly noted changes being proposed to the diagram, including the removal of the <br />urban reserves. <br /> <br />Mr. Metzer briefly reviewed revisions being proposed to the Springfield side of the Metro Plan Diagram, <br />reporting that change were being proposed to reflect actual and future uses. <br /> <br />Ms. Heinkel called attention to new replacement page II-G-l, distributed to the elected officials. She <br />emphasized the diagram was transitioning to a parcel-specific map. <br /> <br />Ms. Heinkel said the purpose of the meeting was for the elected officials to hear public testimony on the <br />plan text and diagram amendments. She said that following the hearing, staff would respond to the public <br />testimony. The three elected bodies would take separate action, with tentative action set for the Eugene <br />council on March 10; the Springfield council on March 15; and the Lane County board on March 16. She <br />said that, following action by the elected officials, the completed work tasks would be submitted to the <br />Department of Land Conservation and Development for acknowledgement. Ms. Heinkel anticipated the <br />region would continue metropolitan planning efforts that met the needs of the three jurisdictions. <br /> <br /> Mayor Torrey called for comments and questions. <br /> <br /> Mr. Kelly commended the reorganization of the document. He requested that the Eugene council be <br /> provided with copies of the Eugene Planning Commission's minutes reflecting its discussion on the topics <br /> before the elected officials prior to the work session at which the council would take action. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question Mr. Kelly about the tense used in the findings associated with the new <br /> Environmental Resource Element ("Lane County, Springfield, and Eugene jointly completed the Goal 5 <br /> requirements for the area between the UGB and the plan boundary"), Ms. Wiederhold explained that the <br /> text was written as though the elected officials had acted. When and if the officials adopted the findings, <br /> that statement would be a fact. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question Mr. Kelly about the two Willamette Greenway policies proposed for <br /> deletion, Ms. Heinkel explained that both policies speak to the implementation of State Goal 15, and they <br /> were replaced by a new Finding 11 that spoke to how that implementation would be accomplished. <br /> <br /> MINUTES--Joint Elected Officials February 10, 2004 Page 2 <br /> Lane County, Eugene, and Springfield <br /> <br /> <br />